Dexter - funny - my wife and I were watching this Canadian crime show the other night, where some guy sliced up 5 college kids and is basically going to be free under the “not criminally liable” rule. She said the same exact thing! I said, instead of talking about how it affects your family now (during family impact statements) to tell the board “We have been told by multiple people that they can't wait for him to be released because street justice works” - or someone in Canada should write a book “How to get away with murder in Canada” with stories of the guys who got away by claiming to be “schizophrenic”
Dexter - funny - my wife and I were watching this Canadian crime show the other night, where some guy sliced up 5 college kids and is basically going to be free under the “not criminally liable” rule. She said the same exact thing! I said, instead of talking about how it affects your family now (during family impact statements) to tell the board “We have been told by multiple people that they can't wait for him to be released because street justice works” - or someone in Canada should write a book “How to get away with murder in Canada” with stories of the guys who got away by claiming to be “schizophrenic”
That's it dexter.