As you can see, Fiducia supplicans has already achieved one of its objectives: arousing the indignation of Catholics – laymen and clerics – to push them to distance themselves from the Saint Martha sect. The other objective is to de facto legitimize a form of recognition of irregular unions without immediately leading to the marriage of divorcees or sodomites, following the model of “de facto couples” or “pacs” that the civil authority approved twenty years ago in many nations. These unions, in the reassuring statements of politicians, should not have called into question traditional marriage: two decades later we see how the “pacs” were the penultimate step before reaching homosexual marriage, and if Bergoglio moves today to do the same Even in the ecclesiastical sphere, it is because he knows and wants to achieve sacramental marriage also for two men and two women.
But what should not be escaped, from this tactic as cunning as it is devastating, is that while the moderates strive to remember that the prefect Tucho Fernández reiterated that marriage is only between a man and a woman and that therefore "there is no change of doctrine”, it seems that they do not realize that in the meantime the Declaration Fiducia supplicans issues binding norms for all dioceses, and we know well that if a bishop dares to express any criticism of the satrap, the violent Vatican response is immediately unleashed with depositions, deprivation of salary, discredit actions and canonical sanctions. Imagine with what serenity one of the very fearful bishops who exist today would dare to challenge what, by itself, in other times, would have been enough to lock the Argentine in a cell in Castel Sant'Angelo.
Some may object that many bishops oppose the Fiducia supplicans , which in itself is an excellent thing. But the mentality behind this and other Vatican documents is precisely the synodalization of the Church, giving each Episcopal Conference the possibility of making disciplinary and magisterial decisions as if they were schismatic national Churches. Dioceses with good bishops can perhaps hope not to apply Bergoglio's dictates (until he removes them), and those with progressive bishops will unleash themselves on all fronts, going far beyond what the Vatican document hypocritically states: dioceses German. He has already announced that he wants to officially bless homosexual couples as such .
I would like to point out that if the conservatives recognize Bergoglio as the legitimate Pope but at the same time understand that all his action is deliberately divisive, on the other hand the progressives do not recognize Bergoglio as the Vicar of Christ, but as an exponent of their faction that, usurping the Papacy, can now obtain the desired results. Bergoglio is his “Pope” precisely because he has nothing in common with any Pope who has preceded him, and the same Argentine Jesuit seized the papacy to use it against his own ends: it is the question of the vice of consent that I spoke of in my last interventions.
In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21, it is written: “Jesus said to the disciples: When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will understand that it will be conquered and those who have their heads bowed will be able to lift them up because they will be saved.” Today a bloody genocide is taking place in that area: in your opinion, Your Excellency, will the words of the Evangelist Luke come true and what should we expect?
Zionism is a heresy of Judaism, born with the Zionist Congress of Basel in 1897 and developed in the Ashkenazi sphere. Orthodox Jews believe in the coming of a personal Messiah, whom Catholics recognize in Jesus Christ but for whom they still await. The Zionists, on the other hand, believe that the Messiah is the State of Israel, deify it and, therefore, legitimize the horrors and crimes of which they have been guilty for decades and that we see taking place in the Gaza Strip in the last weeks. It is no coincidence that Zionists consider Orthodox Jews enemies, just as modernists consider traditionalist Catholics enemies.
The infiltration of the Zionists in all Western and Atlantic nations is evident and recognized by themselves. It is thanks to this that the Israeli Mossad, through blackmail, keeps governments and information under control, in addition to possessing the entire financial and economic system. When the crimes committed by these rulers, politicians, magistrates, actors, journalists and prelates come to light in all their horror, the Zionists will no longer be able to blackmail them and will therefore lose their power over the nations.
His commitment was not limited to sending video messages, but he founded the Exsurge Domine Association to “raise awareness of a serious ecclesial crisis, which lately has become a real persecution of priests and religious who do not adhere to the apostasy and betrayal of the Church of Christ.” Would you like to tell us about the projects he has started to implement?
“ He could go down in history as the one who divided the Church ,” Bergoglio said in 2016. It seems to me that this fate is confirmed by an uninterrupted series of highly divisive actions and statements, which culminated last year with the open persecution of the good and the arrogant protection of corrupt and perverted characters.
Bergoglio is in favor of conflicts and schisms: the disintegrating action of the Argentine Jesuit is based on his capacity for blackmail and intimidation, knowing very well that heretical clerics and prelates are aware of being able to move with maximum freedom, while those faithful to the Magisterium fail to understand that disobeying Bergoglio not only does not question the Papacy in the slightest, but, in fact, protects it. For this reason, the disobedience of the bad to the Magisterium is all the more blatant the more they align themselves with the Satrap, while the resistance of the good is decidedly incisive and ineffective. But the Fiducia supplicans scandal had the merit, so to speak, of touching one of those values considered non-negotiable that remained substantially intact under the two previous pontificates, ensuring that a significant part of the world's Catholic episcopate has become aware of the threat. that this Vatican document constitutes for the very survival of the Church. The increasingly open opposition to this shame desired by Bergoglio and imposed by Fernández - which he is now clumsily trying to resize - is proof of Bergoglio's betrayal and the premise for putting an end to this disastrous "pontificate."
And in the meantime, what can be done?
While we wait for this unworthy parody of the Catholic Hierarchy to be replaced by holy bishops and holy priests – because what we need are saints – we can help those who are rediscovering the true priesthood and the true religious vocation and who for that reason are persecuted and condemned to ostracism.
In fact, Exsurge Domine is not aimed at those who - like the members of the Society of Saint Pius or other canonically independent institutes - are already in the Tradition, but at those who approach it with good will, coming from the difficult current ecclesial realities. I am referring to parish priests who discover the ancient Mass, to monks who want to faithfully live the Rule, to young Catholics who want to serve the Lord but understand that they cannot be trained in Bergoglian seminaries or convents. These Vocations must be helped to rediscover the beauty of the Catholic Faith and its Liturgy, the heroism of Holiness, in a path of recovery and reconstruction that requires patience, perseverance, discipline and -necessarily- longer conversion times. The mission of Exsurge Domine is also to revive - especially through preaching and apostolic action - that Catholic consciousness devastated by decades of post-conciliar times. In this spiritual battle we want to welcome and help with paternal charity those who want to fight for the Lord, but realize that they need to reacquaint themselves with the weapons of prayer, penance, study and interior life.
Within the framework of this perspective, the Collegium Traditionis was also born , a traditional clerical training house that aims to prepare the priests of tomorrow with the help of the good priests of today. It is a project that requires a great financial commitment and will only be possible thanks to the donations of many generous people. I call on all Catholics to contribute to this initiative, the only one born in Italy and for Italy, for the spiritual rebirth of our country, for the greater glory of God and the sanctification of souls.
Andrea Caldart
Originally published in Italian on December 30, 2023, at 2023/12/30/resistere-a-un- potere-che-abusa-della-sua- autorita-e-eroismo- mons- vigano/
As you can see, Fiducia supplicans has already achieved one of its objectives: arousing the indignation of Catholics – laymen and clerics – to push them to distance themselves from the Saint Martha sect. The other objective is to de facto legitimize a form of recognition of irregular unions without immediately leading to the marriage of divorcees or sodomites, following the model of “de facto couples” or “pacs” that the civil authority approved twenty years ago in many nations. These unions, in the reassuring statements of politicians, should not have called into question traditional marriage: two decades later we see how the “pacs” were the penultimate step before reaching homosexual marriage, and if Bergoglio moves today to do the same Even in the ecclesiastical sphere, it is because he knows and wants to achieve sacramental marriage also for two men and two women.
But what should not be escaped, from this tactic as cunning as it is devastating, is that while the moderates strive to remember that the prefect Tucho Fernández reiterated that marriage is only between a man and a woman and that therefore "there is no change of doctrine”, it seems that they do not realize that in the meantime the Declaration Fiducia supplicans issues binding norms for all dioceses, and we know well that if a bishop dares to express any criticism of the satrap, the violent Vatican response is immediately unleashed with depositions, deprivation of salary, discredit actions and canonical sanctions. Imagine with what serenity one of the very fearful bishops who exist today would dare to challenge what, by itself, in other times, would have been enough to lock the Argentine in a cell in Castel Sant'Angelo.
Some may object that many bishops oppose the Fiducia supplicans , which in itself is an excellent thing. But the mentality behind this and other Vatican documents is precisely the synodalization of the Church, giving each Episcopal Conference the possibility of making disciplinary and magisterial decisions as if they were schismatic national Churches. Dioceses with good bishops can perhaps hope not to apply Bergoglio's dictates (until he removes them), and those with progressive bishops will unleash themselves on all fronts, going far beyond what the Vatican document hypocritically states: dioceses German. He has already announced that he wants to officially bless homosexual couples as such .
I would like to point out that if the conservatives recognize Bergoglio as the legitimate Pope but at the same time understand that all his action is deliberately divisive, on the other hand the progressives do not recognize Bergoglio as the Vicar of Christ, but as an exponent of their faction that, usurping the Papacy, can now obtain the desired results. Bergoglio is his “Pope” precisely because he has nothing in common with any Pope who has preceded him, and the same Argentine Jesuit seized the papacy to use it against his own ends: it is the question of the vice of consent that I spoke of in my last interventions.
In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21, it is written: “Jesus said to the disciples: When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will understand that it will be conquered and those who have their heads bowed will be able to lift them up because they will be saved.” Today a bloody genocide is taking place in that area: in your opinion, Your Excellency, will the words of the Evangelist Luke come true and what should we expect?
Zionism is a heresy of Judaism, born with the Zionist Congress of Basel in 1897 and developed in the Ashkenazi sphere. Orthodox Jews believe in the coming of a personal Messiah, whom Catholics recognize in Jesus Christ but for whom they still await. The Zionists, on the other hand, believe that the Messiah is the State of Israel, deify it and, therefore, legitimize the horrors and crimes of which they have been guilty for decades and that we see taking place in the Gaza Strip in the last weeks. It is no coincidence that Zionists consider Orthodox Jews enemies, just as modernists consider traditionalist Catholics enemies.
The infiltration of the Zionists in all Western and Atlantic nations is evident and recognized by themselves. It is thanks to this that the Israeli Mossad, through blackmail, keeps governments and information under control, in addition to possessing the entire financial and economic system. When the crimes committed by these rulers, politicians, magistrates, actors, journalists and prelates come to light in all their horror, the Zionists will no longer be able to blackmail them and will therefore lose their power over the nations.
His commitment was not limited to sending video messages, but he founded the Exsurge Domine Association to “raise awareness of a serious ecclesial crisis, which lately has become a real persecution of priests and religious who do not adhere to the apostasy and betrayal of the Church of Christ.” Would you like to tell us about the projects he has started to implement?
“ He could go down in history as the one who divided the Church ,” Bergoglio said in 2016. It seems to me that this fate is confirmed by an uninterrupted series of highly divisive actions and statements, which culminated last year with the open persecution of the good and the arrogant protection of corrupt and perverted characters.
Bergoglio is in favor of conflicts and schisms: the disintegrating action of the Argentine Jesuit is based on his capacity for blackmail and intimidation, knowing very well that heretical clerics and prelates are aware of being able to move with maximum freedom, while those faithful to the Magisterium fail to understand that disobeying Bergoglio not only does not question the Papacy in the slightest, but, in fact, protects it. For this reason, the disobedience of the bad to the Magisterium is all the more blatant the more they align themselves with the Satrap, while the resistance of the good is decidedly incisive and ineffective. But the Fiducia supplicans scandal had the merit, so to speak, of touching one of those values considered non-negotiable that remained substantially intact under the two previous pontificates, ensuring that a significant part of the world's Catholic episcopate has become aware of the threat. that this Vatican document constitutes for the very survival of the Church. The increasingly open opposition to this shame desired by Bergoglio and imposed by Fernández - which he is now clumsily trying to resize - is proof of Bergoglio's betrayal and the premise for putting an end to this disastrous "pontificate."
And in the meantime, what can be done?
While we wait for this unworthy parody of the Catholic Hierarchy to be replaced by holy bishops and holy priests – because what we need are saints – we can help those who are rediscovering the true priesthood and the true religious vocation and who for that reason are persecuted and condemned to ostracism.
In fact, Exsurge Domine is not aimed at those who - like the members of the Society of Saint Pius or other canonically independent institutes - are already in the Tradition, but at those who approach it with good will, coming from the difficult current ecclesial realities. I am referring to parish priests who discover the ancient Mass, to monks who want to faithfully live the Rule, to young Catholics who want to serve the Lord but understand that they cannot be trained in Bergoglian seminaries or convents. These Vocations must be helped to rediscover the beauty of the Catholic Faith and its Liturgy, the heroism of Holiness, in a path of recovery and reconstruction that requires patience, perseverance, discipline and -necessarily- longer conversion times. The mission of Exsurge Domine is also to revive - especially through preaching and apostolic action - that Catholic consciousness devastated by decades of post-conciliar times. In this spiritual battle we want to welcome and help with paternal charity those who want to fight for the Lord, but realize that they need to reacquaint themselves with the weapons of prayer, penance, study and interior life.
Within the framework of this perspective, the Collegium Traditionis was also born , a traditional clerical training house that aims to prepare the priests of tomorrow with the help of the good priests of today. It is a project that requires a great financial commitment and will only be possible thanks to the donations of many generous people. I call on all Catholics to contribute to this initiative, the only one born in Italy and for Italy, for the spiritual rebirth of our country, for the greater glory of God and the sanctification of souls.
Andrea Caldart
Originally published in Italian on December 30, 2023, at 2023/12/30/resistere-a-un- potere-che-abusa-della-sua- autorita-e-eroismo- mons- vigano/