134 Everyone knows that immigrants add to our economy and the richness of our lives, right?...RIGHT?? (americanliberty.news) CAUSING SUDDENLY 🕳️ posted 1 year ago by spookyjumper 1 year ago by spookyjumper +134 / -0 NYC Mayor Says Illegal Migrants Bringing Rampant Crime To US Cities - American Liberty News ANALYSIS – I recently wrote about how Joe Biden's illegal migrant invasion has apparently brought a scourge of previously eradicated contagious diseases to America's shores. Ugly things like polio and leprosy long ago were eliminated from our country. This... 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
What was Trump's story about the scorpion? "You knew what I was before we started"? How can any sanctuary city complain? They knew who these people were at the beginning.