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Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Proverbs 24
Lessons learned from Proverbs 24 include: Look at things from God’s point of view. God has put each of us in our own particular place to fulfill a purpose here on earth. Build a house of wisdom and knowledge based on the Word of God. God uses times of testing and trials to develop our character. Listen to God when He asks us to be of help to someone in trouble. Man keeps falling, but the one who depends in the Lord will get up again.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
A Poem By Annie L. Smith
Daily Promises
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where [is] thy sting? O grave, where [is] thy victory? The sting of death [is] sin; and the strength of sin [is] the law. But thanks [be] to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:51-58)
In an instant, the saints of the Christian faith will be caught up in the air to meet their Lord in wonderful glory. What an incredible picture of the church ascending to their glorious home at the long anticipated trumpet trill! Indeed, the victory over death and sin is evident through the return of Christ and we shall reign with Him forevermore. This promise of hope and everlasting life only brings us to a place of great thanksgiving to our beautiful Saviour.
Fear Of The Unknown
But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. — Proverbs 1:33
Rather than having fear of the unknown, we should listen to the words of the Bible.
Casting Pods
Yearly News Wrap-Up: BRICS Grows Alternatives to US Domination & Ukraine Neocon Project Collapses...The Critical Hour Podcast
Clown World of the Year Awards - 2023...The Duran Podcast
Israeli military brass admits failures in Gaza...The Gray Zone Podcast
Talking about Artificial Intelligence-Part 1...Black Mountain Talks Eepisode 2
Dog Woo
The Russian Bolsheviks have discovered that truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration. They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people.
Winston Churchill
Today's Wins
Preparedness Notes for Sunday — December 31, 2023
A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION FOR EVERYONE: Wise-up and Rise-up [or be a slave forever]
1 How Christians Should Respond to Persecution From Biden and Their Own Church
2 MIT Student Group Continues the Fight for Free Speech in 2024
3 George Soros Swatted
4 Tucker Carlson reigniting speculation Jeff Epstein was murdered in jail cell
5 Jeffrey Epstein ‘Massage’ Scheduler Sarah Kellen ‘Quietly Waiting’ for Bombshell Document Dump
6 The Constitution Absolutely Prohibits NeoCon Nikki Haley From Being President or Vice President
7 Anti-Gun Group Faces Investigation Over Door-to-Door Firearms Buyback Drive
8 231 Current and Former U.S. Service Members Sign “Declaration of Military Accountability” Over Covid-19 Jab Mandate
9 Michigan’s Blake Corum Sends His Team to the National Championship, Then Thanks God on National Television
10 Entry-Level Jobs Pay Six Figures in This Gritty Part of America...They’re independents, innovators, young, and heeding an entrepreneurial urge: ‘If you have any ambition at all, move to North Dakota ... the sky’s the limit.’
11 BAHAHA! ‘Boomer for Biden’ Trends on X and We Have Questions . . . Lots and LOTS of Hilarious Ones
Look What The Dog Dragged In
12 The Brink of Extradition: Julian Assange Set to Take a Final Swing at an Appeal to Block Removal to US for Trial
13 Supreme Court’s John Roberts Urges ‘Caution’ on Using Artificial Intelligence AI will ’significantly affect' judicial work, chief justice says.
14 Chinese Energy Executive Tied to Hunter Biden Participated in Patrick Ho Bribery Scheme
15 Signs Say a Massive Cyberattack Is Almost Certainly Coming in 2024
16 This Is Fine: Lithium Ion Batteries Burn for DAYS off Coast of Alaska
17 The Welfare Industrial Complex
18 2024: The Year Global Government Takes Shape
19 Absolutely Sick: Unearthed Study out of China Reveals the Horrors Involved in “Transgender Research”
20 What a 907-Mile Road Trip Reveals About 2024...A snapshot of life and the hopes of Americans in six New England states during a road trip in mid-December—‘I don’t feel like I’m in the same country.
21 Lindsey Graham Backtracks on Statement, Suggests Trump Argument Is ‘Legitimate’
22 Former Obama Adviser Issues Warning After Trump Ballot Rulings ‘It would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him,’ David Axelrod said.
23 How California’s Policies Forced Me to Give Up My Farm and Move to Texas:
24 Vaping Imports Now Banned in Australia Health Minister Mark Butler tells Australians to quit vaping in the New Year.
Epoch Times Health Briefs
25 Reckitt’s Mead Johnson Nutrition Recalls Baby Formula Powder From US: FDA
26 Discover six unexpected and practical strategies to conquer nighttime bathroom interruptions and reclaim your peaceful sleep.
27 Menthol Cigarettes: The Only Type of Flavored Tobacco Still on the Market Despite Unique Health Risks
28 14-Hour Intermittent Fasting: A Manageable Approach for Losing Weight, Improving Mood, and Enhancing Sleep Quality
29 How to Remove Water From Your Ear
The Best Of American Thinker
30 The Great Taking: You Really No Longer Own Your Securities, and You Could Also Lose Your Freedom
31 How to Understand the Woke Colonization Project
32 Glock Switches: let the buyer beware
33 Joe Biden cares so very much
34 ‘To make a snowflake’
35 Image courtesy of Reality Bites by Broc Smith.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
36 New 'Real Conservative Men' Calendar Features 12 Pictures Of Fully Clothed Thomas Massie Posing With Constitution
37 Filmmakers Seek Haunting, Melancholy Cover Of Pop Song For New Trailer
38 Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
39 Senate To Be Replaced With Room Full Of Monkeys Throwing Feces
40 Biden Cuts Hole In Mask So He Can Still Sniff People's Hair
41 Biden: 'I Am The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Ronald Reagan'
Not Quite brain_dead
1 Reporter Murdered After Exposing Zelensky Family’s $4.85M Villa
2 Want to know the bad actors of Covid 19? Here is the long list of names and they all belong in a big club. (part I)
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Animal Antics
1 Neighbors Moved Out, Abandoned Cat
2 Cats Attack Baths, Love Lakes
3 Pregnant Dog Has Puppies In Shelter, Rescued By Shelter
4 Raccoon Hiding Something In A Man's House
5 World's Oldest Cat Door Still Used By Cats 400 Years Later
6 Shelter Pup Becomes A Whole New Dog After TLC
7 Rags On The Rooftop?!
8 Olympian Tries To Race Puppy...
9 Baby Bat Rescued After Falling Out Of Tree:
10 Howler Monkey Rescued From Side of The Road
_Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy33
1Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today...Posted on June 8, 2015 by Henri Thibodeau
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 2nd — Morning Reading
"Continue in prayer." — Colossians 4:2
It is interesting to remark how large a portion of Sacred Writ is occupied with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, or pronouncing promises. We scarcely open the Bible before we read, "Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord;" and just as we are about to close the volume, the "Amen" of an earnest supplication meets our ear. Instances are plentiful. Here we find a wrestling Jacob-there a Daniel who prayed three times a day-and a David who with all his heart called upon his God. On the mountain we see Elias; in the dungeon Paul and Silas. We have multitudes of commands, and myriads of promises. What does this teach us, but the sacred importance and necessity of prayer? We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in His Word, He intended to be conspicuous in our lives. If He has said much about prayer, it is because He knows we have much need of it. So deep are our necessities, that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray. Dost thou want nothing? Then, I fear thou dost not know thy poverty. Hast thou no mercy to ask of God? Then, may the Lord's mercy show thee thy misery! A prayerless soul is a Christless soul. Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour of a Christian. If thou be a child of God, thou wilt seek thy Father's face, and live in thy Father's love. Pray that this year thou mayst be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter oftener into the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that thou mayst be an example and a blessing unto others, and that thou mayst live more to the glory of thy Master. The motto for this year must be, "Continue in prayer."