This has been floating around for awhile, some of you have likely seen it. It’s good ammunition to red pill people with. They had no problem admitting Q was real when they were hunting Snowden. A decade later and Q is hunting pedophiles and politicians and the media gets amnesia about it.
This is why they are so scared and desperate. The media, the politicians, they know Q is real. This is why MSNBC is crying about treason charges if Trump wins. They all know in their hearts that Q is real, they are seeing Q drops come to life over and over, and they know what’s coming. But they can’t tell us that. They are stuck.
This has been floating around for awhile, some of you have likely seen it. It’s good ammunition to red pill people with. They had no problem admitting Q was real when they were hunting Snowden. A decade later and Q is hunting pedophiles and politicians and the media gets amnesia about it.
This is why they are so scared and desperate. The media, the politicians, they know Q is real. This is why MSNBC is crying about treason charges if Trump wins. They all know in their hearts that Q is real, they are seeing Q drops come to life over and over, and they know what’s coming. But they can’t tell us that. They are stuck.
NCSWIC, and they know it.
Q = NSA?
Lol damn nice catch. Yes Q is said to the operations department of the NSA. The ones who reach and touch people.