My grandson, age 14 months, just got this shot last Friday. I’m sick to my stomach by the ignorance of the parents. Sweet boy was sick, fussy, irritable, bad diaper..and that was just the first day. I pray for him. Here’s the kicker…when I asked my daughter what the 6 shots were supposed to be, she couldn’t say. I had to walk away.
Honestly, your daughter needs an intervention. I understand it could ruin your relationship with her, but it might be worth it to protect your grandson.
My grandson, age 14 months, just got this shot last Friday. I’m sick to my stomach by the ignorance of the parents. Sweet boy was sick, fussy, irritable, bad diaper..and that was just the first day. I pray for him. Here’s the kicker…when I asked my daughter what the 6 shots were supposed to be, she couldn’t say. I had to walk away.
Honestly, your daughter needs an intervention. I understand it could ruin your relationship with her, but it might be worth it to protect your grandson.