Here's the thing - DC_Draino has a pretty stellar reputation is does not dabble in nonsense. If they are pointing it out, it must be important. I doubt that some hoodrats chimping out would rise to the level that Draino would care about... so what really happened?
If it was a "mass shooting" we'd be hearing about it nonstop from the bleating libtards. So unlikely that it was this.
Was it 8ft tall aliens? Probably not. So what ELSE would warrant this response?
Terrorists? Yes. But why keep it off the news cycle? Even the far left news would pick up a terrorist plot in Miami.
Here's the thing - DC_Draino has a pretty stellar reputation is does not dabble in nonsense. If they are pointing it out, it must be important. I doubt that some hoodrats chimping out would rise to the level that Draino would care about... so what really happened?
If it was a "mass shooting" we'd be hearing about it nonstop from the bleating libtards. So unlikely that it was this.
Was it 8ft tall aliens? Probably not. So what ELSE would warrant this response?
Terrorists? Yes. But why keep it off the news cycle? Even the far left news would pick up a terrorist plot in Miami.
What else could it be?