I wasn't totally anti-jab until covid. I thought the flu-shot was a scam and never took that, but others like tetanus, I would still get that.
Not anymore. I will never get another vax jab, and will be suspicious of going into surgery where I'm sedated and am left wondering what kind of junk will they slip into the IV when nobody's looking.
I also eliminated the "organ-donor" thing on my driver's license. Go into the OR and they just might see that I have a strong heart and other good highly-profitable parts.
The only thing the medical community is good for these days is stitching up cuts or digits that have been separated.
Tetanus isn't the Tetanus vaccine any longer. Now it's combined as DTaP and they'll just give you another full dose because you came in for stitches.
Organ donors look like giant sacks of money to a Hospital. Deny. Plus, they harvest your organs while you are alive and without pain killers... because you're dead, right?
DTaP is the childhood vaccine series. Only small children get it. It has a larger dose of the Diphtheria antigen (hence the capital D) and the Pertussis antigen (capital P). This provides a stronger immune stimulus to their developing immune systems, and has been proven to be both safe and effective for years.
Td is the booster to which you're referring. It is given every 10 years or if you have a traumatic incident where you come into contact with rusty metal or soil bacteria to protect you from the tetanus toxin. It, too, has been around for decades, widely given, and is both safe and effective.
Tdap is an adult combination vaccine. It contains the pertussis antigen at an adult dose, which is smaller than the childhood dose. It is recommended only 1 time per lifetime. One and done. We give it to pregnant women in order to have circulating antibodies around to transfer to their newborn via breast milk. The strategy is proven to save lives, and again, we've had these products for literally decades. We give it to pregnant women. It's safe and it works.
If you're curious as to why the d (small d, small dose) of diphtheria is still in the adult dose, the reason is that it amplifies the immune response, so you get better protection than from the tetanus antigen alone. There are a fair number of other vaccines that are conjugated to (attached chemically to) to diphtheroid antigen specifically for this purpose - to give a stronger immunity.
Now, you may be offered Tdap as a booster. Nothing wrong with that. Most clinics or pharmacies simply don't want duplicate inventory by stocking both the Tdap and the Td, so they stock Tdap as the single product for their adult patient. It saves money and does not compromise your safety.
Just because the COVID vaccines are garbage doesn't mean the old, proven-successfully vaccines are garbage too. We don't throw out the clinical experience we have of literally decades of giving these shots to millions around the world simply because Pfizer and Moderna lied to try and corner the market on mRNA tech.
I wasn't totally anti-jab until covid. I thought the flu-shot was a scam and never took that, but others like tetanus, I would still get that.
Not anymore. I will never get another vax jab, and will be suspicious of going into surgery where I'm sedated and am left wondering what kind of junk will they slip into the IV when nobody's looking.
I also eliminated the "organ-donor" thing on my driver's license. Go into the OR and they just might see that I have a strong heart and other good highly-profitable parts.
The only thing the medical community is good for these days is stitching up cuts or digits that have been separated.
Tetanus isn't the Tetanus vaccine any longer. Now it's combined as DTaP and they'll just give you another full dose because you came in for stitches.
Organ donors look like giant sacks of money to a Hospital. Deny. Plus, they harvest your organs while you are alive and without pain killers... because you're dead, right?
Now, you may be offered Tdap as a booster. Nothing wrong with that. Most clinics or pharmacies simply don't want duplicate inventory by stocking both the Tdap and the Td, so they stock Tdap as the single product for their adult patient. It saves money and does not compromise your safety.
Just because the COVID vaccines are garbage doesn't mean the old, proven-successfully vaccines are garbage too. We don't throw out the clinical experience we have of literally decades of giving these shots to millions around the world simply because Pfizer and Moderna lied to try and corner the market on mRNA tech.
But, they are.