America is NOT OK! I feel we’re being pushed into poverty so that the government can sweep in and “save” us all at the last min. Most people live paycheck-paycheck, if they are lucky to even have a job. The middle class has disappeared and the lower class is living on the streets and in their cars.
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This is all very true, but for those of us who accepted Christ over 20 years ago, and I’ve been awake since I was seven, this is all getting pretty old for me. But there are a lot of people who are not awake yet.
Personally, I don’t think the true Great Awakening will be until the second coming of Christ. As long as evil, satan, is in the world, there will be no peace. Satan hates us, he hates that were made in His image, and he’s going to continue to drag us until the last second. There’s not gonna be this Great Awakening everybody keeps thinking about in terms of peace, joy, and love all around the world, until Satan’s, not in any more.
That’s the second coming. But people don’t like when I say that, because they think that Q and Donald Trump are gonna come save the day. I have a hard time with that belief system, because it doesn’t say that anywhere in any Q post. It’s just an assumption based on the plan, whatever that is. Because we really don’t even know what that is completely because there have not been any further posts by Q.
If somebody here could actually summarize what The Plan is - I would appreciate it. Please educate me. I don’t understand the Q Posts, when people make posts with all the squares and arrows, pointing everywhere, it’s just beyond me. I think I know what a delta is, that’s when the same date of a Q post - aligns with some activity that’s occurring? I need help understanding.
I must keep my eye on the Lord. That’s where my Hope and my faith reside.