You only apply critical methodologies to your current enemies, of course: Leftists would never deconstruct their own sacred cows, unless it becomes politically expedient to do so… Lacking any core principles, the only thing that keeps them from being total nihilists is their commitment to their own advantage and advancing a narrow set of ad hoc political positions like unrestricted plunder, abortion on demand and “demystifying” sodomy, as well as an instinctive in-group herd mentality and corresponding aggressive resentment toward outsiders and skeptics of their narrow political objective du jour. Their hypocrisy is total, so don’t expect them to consistently apply their own moral principles. In fact, to a leftist, the only people who should have moral standards applied against them are those who hold moral standards at all. See the fourth rule in Alinky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’. It’s why they are so reflexively contemptuous of anyone advocating law and order. They are lawless reprobates!
You only apply critical methodologies to your current enemies, of course: Leftists would never deconstruct their own sacred cows, unless it becomes politically expedient to do so… Lacking any core principles, the only thing that keeps them from being total nihilists is their commitment to their own advantage and advancing a narrow set of ad hoc political positions like unrestricted plunder, abortion on demand and “demystifying” sodomy, as well as an instinctive in-group herd mentality and corresponding aggressive resentment toward outsiders and skeptics of their narrow political objective du jour. Their hypocrisy is total, so don’t expect them to consistently apply their own moral principles. In fact, to a leftist, the only people who should have moral standards applied against them are those who hold moral standards at all. See the fourth rule in Alinky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’. It’s why they are so reflexively contemptuous of anyone advocating law and order. They are lawless reprobates!