34 Federal early childhood support program says "denial of gender expression" can qualify as child abuse (www.lifesitenews.com) 🧠 These people are stupid! posted 1 year ago by spookyjumper 1 year ago by spookyjumper +34 / -0 US home visiting program says parents denying child's 'gender expression' may be abusive - LifeSite A Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program document says abuse need not be 'overt' and can look like 'denying a child the right to play, dress, and act as they would like.' 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Let's look at our Government. We have extra-Constitutional organizations such as....
A Department of Education that doesn't educate anyone and hinders those who do
A Department of Agriculture that doesn't grow anything and hinders those who do
A Department of Labor that does no work and hinders those who do
A Department of Housing and Urban Development that develops nothing and hinders those who do
A department of Health and Human Services that makes people less healthy and hinders those who do
Maybe there is a pattern here?