Rep. Fallon does US voters a favor by explaining the difference between testifying to Congress publicly vs in closed door sessions. It has to do with the limitations of time...
public = 5 mins/Rep. with many interruptions for show, limited to the duration of the public hearing;
closed door = 1 hour/Rep. in a secured facility, with unlimited duration.
What do voters care about?
Equal justice under the law?
Getting the truth however long it takes?
Corroboration of our own research about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden?
Documentary evidence+alignment of testimonial evidence?
Rep. Fallon does US voters a favor by explaining the difference between testifying to Congress publicly vs in closed door sessions. It has to do with the limitations of time...
public = 5 mins/Rep. with many interruptions for show, limited to the duration of the public hearing;
closed door = 1 hour/Rep. in a secured facility, with unlimited duration.
What do voters care about?
Equal justice under the law?
Getting the truth however long it takes?
Corroboration of our own research about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden?
Documentary evidence+alignment of testimonial evidence?
Tit-for-tat political shows?
Impeach Garland. Congress is just wasting its time as long as thoroughly corrupt, commie Merrick Garland is heading the DoJ.
Let me guess they voted to find Hunter innocent of all charges.