I'm struggling with something for the future. While we should never have gotten to the point where we need Q and POTUA to drain the swamp for us, we nevertheless did. Fine. I trust the plan with a faith that I thought I'd lost. I think that the victory of good over evil is a foregone conclusion for our Republic based on what we are witnessing. Bad actors, evil, corrupt, venal psychopaths eliminated from positions of power. Fantastic, and Godspeed.
But how to we stop it from happening again - or are we just like the Matrix and the machines -destined to keep repeating this over and over throughout history? Is there a way to win once and for all?
That's my question and task for my descendants
I struggle with this idea too, about saving the Republic. I think most of us here would agree that "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." But in my own lifetime I saw America slip into a hypnotic stupor and allow its gaze to wander from freedom and onto silly, irrelevant things like high-tech toys and the number of likes they got on their social media postings.
In another thread here this morning I said that once 'pon a time I served in the military of the American Empire, knowing all along that we were really supposed to be a Republic. It appears now that the Empire is crumbling, from the fringes inward, and that maybe, just maybe, we can salvage the Republic once again.
If it be Thy will, God.