His videos are excellent redpills and are getting a lot of exposure. I see his videos popping up everywhere.
He is very good at breaking things down for normies and has a million subscribers. Its nice to find out he's been an ape the whole time. The Twitter account is a good one to spread: https://twitter.com/Cancelcloco
Hey Superstonk- I am him- and in comment threads like this one- it’s super helpful if people drop links to any DD or primary sources or juice on the subject, in this case instinet.
Because for me to make a good video- it’s not enough for me to know something- I need to have screenshots and sources to make it engaging and to backup what I’m saying. So dropping links and crowdsourcing the various DD can hugely improve what I’m able to put out.
Especially as instinet is complicated and a bit niche to be able to make it feel important and relevant to average people. That’s the real trick.
Love and appreciate you all, even the shills
Sounds like he made his yt channel to eventually get into GME exposure.
I agree with you on all of this- and I watched those grifts and learned- when I built my platform, I intentionally built it away from the GME community until it was successful and stood alone. Because if you’re relying on the GME community for your interaction and monetization- you are inherently grifting.
Instead- I was lucky enough to succeed at building a platform that is now self sustaining, and so now I’ve started making GME videos- because now I can GME pill one million regular people on TikTok that would have never heard of it otherwise- and apes can enjoy the content without me needing anything from them. not even the views or attention. I just make videos I believe in and want to make now. The brand is already built.
That’s the critical difference between my business model and, for example, gherk’s business model.
Wen Moon?
The moon you speak of is the countermeasure that will be deployed once the attempted great reset plug is pulled, they are expecting to drain all wealth and ownership of stocks and property but have been trapped into several overleveraged, underwater positions by people with directly registered ownership in said securities.
Once they pull the plug and try to abscond, the countermeasures of BBBY and GME will be activated siphoning the flow of currency and wealth and power away from the moloch kabbalah freaks and into the hands of a small vocal angry group of informed investors.
That's my read into the situation.
I'm happy to be one of those investors.
Here is one of his videos.
Yeh thanks for linking that.