29 I don’t know about that Adam? He associates with pedos. He probably knows when to turn it on and off when he’s around carolla. (media.scored.co) posted 1 year ago by AverageIdiotDoi 1 year ago by AverageIdiotDoi +29 / -0 5 comments share 5 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They made it big together. Exploiting women. Remember "The Man Show".
But Adam is a solid guy.
He came from nothing and hasn't sold out to Hollywood, so far.
Adam's not spiritual and has a tendency to mock people who express faith in their savior around him.
He may have a couple redeeming qualities but he doesn't utilize the opportunity to STFU instead of mock so he doesn't deserve a pass.
He does speaking engagements with Dennis Prager who is very open about his faith, so I don't think he'd disparage someone about their faith and really mean it.
Nah, don't think so.