I can’t and won’t say what he does. But it’s MAGA. I didn’t tell anyone until I was there for a year or so but my boss left recently. It hasn’t been a secret for a while and now the CEO cut me out leaving me and my team high and dry. Please pray for me and them. I have an interview soon and need to mail it. Thank you frens.
Edit: Thank you to everyone that replied and said prayers. Amen and on to new beginnings. I have no idea where this journey goes!
I was fired once, almost 19 years ago, not for political reasons, but I just didn't fit in with the rest of the guys in my IT department. I was told I would be let go at the end of the summer, which they told me to give me time to find another job. They were dicks, but they weren't completely heartless. I was a nervous wreck all summer - I had one interview that didn't work out, and it wasn't looking good. The day they let me go, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I now had full days, every day, to look for a new job, which I did. In just a couple of days, I had 2 very nice interviews, one of which worked out, and I've been there over 18 years now. I've gotten some very nice raises over the years, and things couldn't be better for me. Someone told me about 8 or 9 years ago, that I could go somewhere else and make even better money, but I always replied that I'm not staying because of money. I'm happy where I'm at.
Hang in there fren, and don't lose hope! We're MAGA, and we don't fail!!! We may trip and stumble here and there, but good opportunities will find us all. Have faith in the Lord, and use your downtime wisely.
Good Luck!!!