Wow. Holy cow, talk about top flite content. NO FROG "Brainstorm17: Epic Round Table. Protect your mind and control your emotions" SHOULD MISS THIS!
Long video, but definitely worth looking at. Yes, it would be great to have a summary, but sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and do the time yourself. Topics include Federalist papers as they pertain to the constitution, Klaus Schwinkter may just be playing the role of a bond-villain (actually a white hat) to make it easier for people to grasp the whole Q concept (not sure I agree, but we consider anyway). They also point out it's taking so long as we need to make sure the message sticks for future generations. Wholeheartedly agree on that, the lesson needs to be written on the chalkboard 100x to make sure people don't lapse back in. Obviously also important for folks to understand how our country is SUPPOSED to work, and unlearn a lot of the BS we've all been subjected to. Play long ball, that's how we win long term. Thanks C5.