POLAND AND THE GROWING PUSHBACK… January 15, 2024 / Joseph P. Farrell
Amid record cold this weekend and with the Amairikuhn lamestream propatainment media continuing to promote the climate change narrative and Baal Gates wanting to "dim the sun" (Really, haven't you busybody billionaires done enough damage?), there's a story emerging in Poland that the media has missed (article and story courtesy of V.T. with our thanks):
Polish Police Arrest Pro-Duda MPs Inside Presidential Palace As Constitutional Crisis Unfolds
This story interests me because there are recognizable parallels to what is happening in the USSA, the weaponization of political institutions against political opponents that the entrenched globaloney class does not like; in Poland's case, this is opposition between one national (and nationalist) party and one internationalist party:
There's a bizarre but potentially serious constitutional crisis unfolding in Poland currently, after former Polish interior minister Mariusz Kaminski and his deputy Maciej Wonsik were arrested over allegations of abuse of power. A court has also sought to bar them from office for at least five years, a ruling which they have ignored.
The whole thing is set against the backdrop of a high-drama showdown between Poland’s new government of pro-EU Prime Minister Donald Tusk (only in office for a month now) and the now opposition Law and Justice party (PiS). Kaminski and Wonsik were actually arrested inside the presidential palace of President Andrzej Duda, ally of the previous right-wing government.
PiS is calling the pair "political prisoners" after a court sentenced them to two years in prison for abuse of power stemming from their stint leading an anti-corruption office in 2007. Their enemies have further charged that they've 'subverted democracy'. President Duda, however, had pardoned them for the crime back in 2015 - a pardon which he says remains valid and can't be nulled by the court's decision.
But Tusk has called the standoff "unbelievable" - also as angry PiS supporters gathered outside the presidential palace as the arrests unfolded. Tusk's "Civic Platform" party considers it an "equality before the law" situation for which no political official should be immune.
The other side says that pro-EU bureaucrats are wasting no time in using all the powers of the state to declare open season on anti-Brussels political enemies, however. (Italicized emphasis added)
Who knew that Poland was an echo chamber for the political rhetoric being voiced in the USSA? If the "Civic Platform" party suddenly indicts President Duda an absurd number of times, then we'll know for sure.
On a more serious note, however, it's important to observe what's happening here (or rather, there). There's no doubt that Mr. Kaminski is correct, and that certain Polish and EU bureaucrats are trying to fasten a new dictatorship down on that country and indeed on the continent, as nutty and lunactic policy after nutty and lunatic policy come out of Brussels. Just witness the farmers' protests in the Netherlands and Germany, or the protests against the bureaucrats in France which we might call "Merdisme". This name is most definitely not the name of the movement nor motivations behind the protests. It is, rather, the name for the policies, decisions, and corrupt people and institutions pushing it. It's another name for the demons of Davos and their program. In Poland's case, what intrigues me is that it is ironic that this is happening precisely in Poland, whose apparatchiks - one would think - should have learned the lessons from their clash with Solidarity in the late 1970s and 1980s. Indeed, I did a special webinar in the members' area of this website on what the Poles did to loosen the grip of the Communist dictatorship on the country, and how they did it. Poland, you'll recall, was the country that really began to unravel the post-war Communist order in eastern Europe, a revolt that eventually relegated the Warsaw pact to history, and which ultimately spread to the Soviet Union and ended the Communist state, spreading like wildfire to Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania and the execution of the Ceausescus.
In Poland's case back then there were two factors that worked behind the scenes and in their favor. One, of course, was the Reagan administration. The other was Polish Pope John-Paul II, who during the height of the crisis let it be known in Warsaw and Moscow that he would personally fly back to Poland and lead the protests himself, and suffer whatever consequences the Communist apparatchiks and bullies decided to resort to. It was the moral capital of the Papacy versus all the guns, tanks, bullets, and missiles that the Communist bloc could muster.
Now it would appear that the EU - in the latest version of "but it was never really properly applied there and we know how to do it properly and better and can make it work" - has decided through its lackeys in Warsaw to "try it again." I am bold to suggest that the reason the globaloonies in Warsaw and Brussels are willing to try it again are that the calculus has changed: there is a bumbling, senescent, completely corrupt, evil, and bought and paid for (by China and the Ukraine) man in the White House whose track record is there for all to see. And for another, they now have a pope in the Vatican who is not even recognizably Roman Catholic; a "pope according to our wants" if I my cite the Alta Vendita of the 19th century secret society revolutionary Piccolo Tigre.
In short, the calculus of institutions has changed, because neither the USSA of Bai Den Dhzao nor the Papacy of Francis has any moral capital left to spend. IN both cases their long history of betrayals, crimes, and coverups has come home to roost. To use the popular expression, they are both "bought and paid for".
Nevertheless, it won't work... To be sure, the calculus has changed because Mr. Globaloney has made sure that the institutions that were the problem in the late 1980s are now throroughly in his hands. But he has lost the two most important institutions of them all: trust, and the people over which he would rule. There are enough Poles alive now to remember what it was like in the waning days of the Jeruzelski regime, and it's their children and grandchildren now. And with most of the world facing elections this year, Mr. Globalooney must now "run the table" if he hopes to put his agenda back on track and on schedule.
Will he try? Most definitely. Will he cheat? He always does? Will he succeed everywhere? Probably not...
u/undine53 , u/WestCelt:
In fact situation is much more complicated and fucked up in Poland.
Sorry but situation is much more complicated:
In fact PiS (Law and Justice Party) is like RINOs in USA,and member of those party – Kuchciński was man mentioned about „Podkapacka affair” being about pedophilia in Ukrainian brothel (on Polish land, protected by corrupted Police and Intelligence agencies) in Podkarpacie region (you call it county maybe). Also PiS is supporting Ukraine even more than „internationalist” party. Nothing strange if you notice that it was the same blackmail mechanism – and Ukrainians (or Ukrainian jews from Chabad) most likely have videos used to blackmail so…
Make no mistake. PiS is linked to Chabad. Former prime minister of Poland – Morawiecki invited WEF ideologue Harari to some meetings and both Duda and Morawiecki were on WEF meetings. They support Ukraine. They wanted to join the war with Russia,but they fear us – Polish citizens. Because not all of us are manipulated enough to go and die for those nazi regime. Especially as we remember what were UPA nazi scums doing to our fellow Poles… (They may call many of us „russian spies” or „russian socks” in MSM for mentioning those poor people tortured horrifically and murdered by Ukrainian nazis - but it will not stops us). Law and justice party joined Joe Bidet supporting governments, they too want to lick Chinese ass. And there is much more.
Important to mention: there is more nationalist small party called Konfederacja. Member of those party Grzegorz (Gregory) Braun already made „incident with fire extinguisher by putting out Chabad’s (yes, tunnel jews !) menorah on Hanuka in Polish Sejm. Importance of this incident ? Well we have officially about 3-5 thousand jews in whole country having >35 millions citizens: “because holocaust and surviving jews leaving the country to israel”. What is strange – so many of them are in government,and there are claims that cross shall be removed from our parliament. In country >70% declaring being Christian holy cross is called bad, but menorah is good for those leftist and liberal "atheists" (+ some Law and Justice party "Christians") ?!!!
Religion of minority being 3-510^3 ppl good, but Christianity - religion of majority being at least 24.510^6 – bad ?! In my opinion deputy Braun is a hero. Too brutal way,but necessary way to show it to all. Especially as Chabad is in fact NOT all jews,but the very jews linked to cabal. However he were excluded from Sejm proceeding and majority of his party condemned him to save their asses. And both new government and PiS would like him silenced/arrested.
Why also I mentioned Konfederacja ? Well, 2 reasons really:
Ok. Next thing “internationalist party”. It is in fact NOT one party my anon friend. No. It is:
Ok.So of course those coalition is very fragile,but they are all internationalist globalist woke scums.We are about to see very leftist shit in Poland applied very soon if new “internationalist” government will continue. Like LGBT shit and other turbo-left crazy shit you see and fight in USA frens.
How those coalition won ? Well… technically Law and Justice party “won” but they were unable to form the government. They lost support mostly because of economy,covid shit and other doubtful policies. If the elections were fair. Nobody asks here,but that would be REALLY good question.
Ok. So after minimal explanation how political situation really looks – current political conflict:
Kaminski (KamiŃski) and Wonsik (WĄSIK !) were politicians who managed intelligence agencies like it is written. In fact they were responsible for some provocations. To prove corruption ? Maybe. This is law and justice party narration (but in fact – I remind, what about Podkarpacka affair ?). Or maybe to clash political opponents. This political use of intelligence agencies were not liked of course by former opposition – current government. But they were pardoned by president Duda. Problem is – pardoned before verdict because verdict would cause them removed from sejm. So of course there were “different interpretations”. Because Polish constitution is not so good and clear like American one. And because of course there are not such animal like apolitical, politically neutral lawyer and problem is concentrated about “breaking rule of law”. Who broke it really ? I would say – probably both sides of the “conflict”.
They were for me all the same and I would say – both are cabal scums.
What were happening also – during 8 years of rule Law and Justice party were taking control over state-owned TV, were replacing persecutors linked to their political opponents by people being their sympathizers,courts etc. What caused some BIG conflicts with “internationalists” parties and their EU puppeteers. And maybe indeed some law procedures were broken by Law and Justice party then. I am not lawyer to say for sure. It looked like done “on the edge of the law”.
But now former opposition – internationalists coalition is removing those people and they want to take all – and take it NOW.They could wait of course one year to presidential ellection,they could do it reasonably and looking more lawfully. Can.But don’t.And they use not only the same methods like Law and Justice party. They greatly excelled it,claim those people in the offices are there illegally, they ignore the president, they ignore courts and also like it seems with state owned TV and State Persecutor office – they are clearly breaking the law with applause of the left and some “liberals”...
If Q team does this as controlled demolition – it is great thing,go on and THANK YOU !!!
Ok,something also about Solidarity movement you clearly not know. Yes,we Poles shall be proud,but the fact is the Solidarity leadership were mostly broken in 1981 and that what was left were mostly people wanting compromises with communists.Traitors. The movement was alive - but controlled. It achieved much to already break communist block,it were crucial – but it were at the moment of “the fall of communism” in 1990 it was mostly compromised.
In fact those communists were too weakened and wanted “capitalism”. Very specific one where they communist will be new capitalists, where they would take over most of the economy – or sell it to foreign investors. And they achieved it.First Polish elections were planned not to be fair,to keep some places for unelected commies. Thing is they terribly lost the elections.Will of the ordinary people made it. But it was not enough to stop them, their puppets were ellected – and they started to undermine those victory.
You shall learn the fact that such “oppositionists” like Adam Michnik (currently newspaper Wyborcza and media concern being one of key “liberal”-leftist media groups) were Trockist, kind of communist wanting “to reform communism” (he is also jewish,but this is making things only more spicy) Also there are proofs that “symbol of Solidarity movement” Lech Wałęsa were made frontman by communists as he were cooperating with Security Service (SB) under pseudonym “Bolek”. In fact – there were and are problem with eliminating former communist Security Service agents (what is obvious political hook too) from public life to this day. And while Law and Justice party is of course cooperating too much with “some strange Jews” they were main force wanting (or claiming wanting) the final elimination of former communist puppets from public life (what not stopped them with recruiting some former communists to their party too). What now also is planned to be stopped.
Poland had in fact NEVER fully eliminated communists from public life. So: situation in Poland wouldn’t be so easy.
Yes,many people will wake up,but will that be enough ? We will see, God save us.
PS: Question: Am I so “antisemitic”, or Poles so hate jews ? Answer: No. History lesson: Our current problem with jews is jewish minority after WW2 were in big part supporting communism and communist party, they were also big part of communist Security Service. Just look carefully who really were behind persecuting, torturing and “sentencing” Witold Pilecki. Also “antisemitic” action against jews in 1968 were in fact fight between 2 fractions of Polish communist party. Jewish (Stalinist !) side were losing then, ordinary jews and some jews linked to the losing side left the country. “Oppositionists” of 1968 – Kuroń and Michnik were jewish Trockists linked to some communist officials families and started their “anti-communist” (Trockist !) activity because of this.And we have many communist jews in the government to this day.
Morale of Poles may be mostly ok,but I guess big problem is about noticing things.
Wow, that's a lot to take in - many thanks!