Are yall still buying DWAC? I'm an XXX holder now. I'll DRS my shares after they settle!
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I'm under the weather. I'm not sure how any of this plays out. I'm just betting on Trump and looking at things from a "There is no more Cabal" point of view. I mixed up the EOs because I haven't read in them a while and I'm sick. It's the same basic idea though. They are Cabal and don't deserve shit, the US gov takes it back from them. Where does it go? Fuck if I know.
Again, what does DWAC stand for? I'm not really thinking much on Truth Social, I'm thinking about DWAC. Why would DWAC be called that and merge with Truth if it wasn't a play. Seems like it's to get eyes on it to me. Who's eyes? Our eyes.
The assets have to go somewhere. I'm not claiming to know anything more than you I'm just putting some money on Trump and what it sounds like is the Q plan to my basic understanding. If the Cabal owns almost everything the auction will be a fire sale. How many billionaires aren't Cabal? Doesn't like many to me. so where do all the assets go? I doubt the Gov keeps them all, that's what we are fighting right now...
So you're investing in stock because you like their name?
Other than TruthSocial, what other ventures is DWAC involved in?
And I still don't understand how getting rid of the cabal will directly help DWAC.
You might want to go double check that EO about human trafficking. From what I've been reading about it, their property isn't open to being seized, but blocked. That's a pretty important detail to get right, I think.
Thats not what I said at all. How many people had to explain Q to you?
They are a SPAC. Google it yourself.
Do you understand how big the Cabal is?
I'm done for the night. I can't tell if you are just trolling or you really aren't trying to think for yourself. I'm not trying to be rude but start thinking about what I said and then think about how the Cabal works. Anything that isn't Cabal, is going to do well.
I get that they're a SPAC. But none of what you're saying makes any sense.
You're basing your reason on EOs that don't claim what you're saying they claim. Those EOs aren't saying that althethese companies you're thinking of will have all their assets seized by the US and given or auctioned off to the public. They're saying that certain assets in the US will be blocked.
Blocked and seized are two entirely separate things.
It seems like you're just buying this stock is because you like Trump. As far as I can tell, DWAC has nothing other than Truth Social, which you have said yourself is basically the same as Twitter (X). And since X no longer censors conservatives and has millions and millions of more users, what is the point of Truth Social now? And since DWAC doesn't have anything other than TS, what is the point of it now?
I like President Trump, too. I voted for him before. I'll vote for him again. But that doesn't mean I have to pretend this stock is great. I think this is a case of The Emperor Has No Clothes.
Stuff like this is why people say Trump supporters are cult-like. Pointing out that your reasoning for purchasing stock is flawed isn't a personal criticism of President Trump. Sometimes ideas just don't work out. And that's ok. And unfortunately, some of Trump's ventures have been turkeys. Trump Water, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump Casinos, etc... How much stock do you have in those Trump-owned companies, since you're basing your stock purchased partly on him "shitting gold" or whatever it is you said.
Did you even read the EO? It talks about blocking assets because of how easy it is to transfer the assets and it being important to block them before they can be transferred. You know, so due process can take the assets when the court is done with the ruling on the Human Rights Abuses and Corruption.
I'm not saying that you have to pretend to like the stock. It's a hedge for me. I think the real play is GME. I'm not going to explain GME as there are countless good DD's out there that can do a better job than I can right now.
Who gives a fuck what bots, MSM, and libs say about Trump supporters. I'm a Q supporter and Trump seems to be in on that plan. All those people talk shit about Q too. Do you care what people say about Q?
I wish you luck in your investments Fren. I think you do the same for me. At least I'd hope you would.