Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePress)
Tucker Carlson on fire:“Last night was not close. It was a shocking blowout. Trump did to Iowa what the Vikings once did to the Irish coast. Only smoldering huts remained. Chris Wallace looked like he was going to be sick.”
MeidasTouch youtube channel - Never heard such junk, almost 2 million subscribers listen to these lies, no wonder the DemonRats are so brainwashed! I can't believe these sewage lies are being spewed out and taken seriously! Sad sad sad!
I can't even listen to that drivel for much longer than a minute!
"Only 50% voted for RuMp, and that's because 33% will vote for him just because they think he'll be the nominee!"
What codswallop.
I will not watch it again, make me feel sick listening to blatant lies. It just popped up when I was checking reviews about Iowa