Excelsior 5 points ago +5 / -0

This creates the opportunity for runaway fraud and theft. As long as they have credit card numbers, exp dates and 3 digit codes, they can run all the fake charges they want. Checks and balances are completely removed. Yikes

Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Schumer was looking for SOMEBODY to be enthusiastic about this

Excelsior 4 points ago +4 / -0

Will you toss it in your truck like a side of beef? Asking for a friend

Excelsior 4 points ago +4 / -0

How could I have been so blind?

Excelsior 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wonder if this went down during the CrowdStrike problem

Excelsior 3 points ago +3 / -0

President Trump: "I'm not supposed to be here."

Hard to not get a lump in your throat hearing this


Excelsior 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s amazing that the most popular ticket in American history is considering stepping down both candidates for someone new months before the next election. I mean when you get more votes than any other ticket in the history of America it would be kind of hard to start over 4 years later.

If only there was a logical explanation as to how this is even possible. We all know that the election was the safest in history because the people who won told us that so it’s got to be something else.

I’m guessing whoever steps in next will get the most votes ever even more with zero campaign because that is entirely possible.

Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remarkable story about Paul. I had forgotten this. Thank you for sharing.

Excelsior 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wanted to give you all an update on my son, who is doing better. Not completely symptom free, but much improved, and more importantly, has a much better outlook on life and is hopeful about the future. Words cannot express my gratitude to all those here on GAW who prayed and offered sage advice. Thank you.

A few months ago I had a dream with President Trump in it. It's not the first one, but this one in particular was striking. He was looking very relaxed and casually dressed. Papers had spilled on the floor and he was down on the ground, picking them up. "Mr. President," I said, "You don't have to do that. I will make sure these will all get picked up." What he then said took me by surprise. He said, "Don't quit."

In the time I've been on GAW, I stopped posting twice and then resumed. The reasons don't matter, but I'll admit part of it is I'm intimidated at times by the intellectual heft of those who post here, the depth of their faith, and the "insider baseball" knowledge on a myriad of subjects. I do my best to stay up. Sometimes I'm gently corrected or redirected. Other times I get the frying pan to the side of the head. Regardless, I realize it's almost always with my best interests in mind and the best interests of GAW.

This site has made me a better person in ways I can't even describe, and I'm truly grateful for you all. It's a much more prayerful and thoughtful life. Even with all my stumbling around, posting with you all has greatly enriched my life, and I hope I've been able to support President Trump, Q, and GAW. Sometimes it feels like being lost at sea, and I don't know exactly how I fit in. With that said, I also don't know how this movie ends, but I'm here until the end, and I'm not quitting. God bless you all.

Excelsior 7 points ago +7 / -0

May not be related, but just read that smoke is rising from the US Consulate in Tel Aviv, following reports of an explosion


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