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Could This Disease X The WEF Is Preparing For? 🚨🚨
Miami Hospital Rooms Are Seeing New Disease That Affects All Ages, Displays “All flu symptoms & swelling in their legs, water in their lungs, fluid in their heart, etc”
“They’re keeping it from the news, they don’t want you to know what’s really going on”
“Listen to this Nurses firsthand account of what she's seeing in Miami area hospital emergency rooms right now.
So the news is not talking about this, but there is something going around. Something else that they infected us with, and it's not COVID. It's not the flu. It's not RSV. All all the typical cold symptoms, sore throat, body aches, fever, cough, congestion, etcetera.
But when they come in to the ER, they have swelling in their legs, um, water in their lungs, fluid in their heart, etcetera. And we're talking people of all ages, including very young people. But they don't want you to know what's really going on, so they're not putting it in the news. I'm telling you, the entire ER where I work at is so full to capacity.
A number of people will send me this and other videos asking what's going on. I am going to investigate and find out, but meanwhile, anyone that has any information, please comment below so we all stay informed as community”
I think stuff like this is going to happen all the time now.
The world is such a small place now, with air travel. Anyone can now get to the farthest place from them in less than a day. Someone can be sick but be too early to show symptoms and infect a hundred people on a plane who each spread it to a hundred other people and that happens over and over and over.
Add that to people living stacked on top of each other in cities where diseases spread so fast and mutate.
It's just inevitable that we see stuff like this.
But I think if people live healthy lifestyles, eat right, exercise, don't smoke, and wash their hands when they're supposed to, we can get through it ok.
I think it's also going to be worse in the cities, so those living out in the country have an advantage. Fewer people and fresh air and clean living will most likely keep you safe from these diseases.