To briefly get personal- when my other half again bemoans that fact that we haven't been intimate for a long time now, I'll explain to her that there's a reason, but that I can't tell her that reason yet. I have to do this because she is 150% asleep and refuses to listen to evidence of or even consider that her beloved health care industry (that she works in) and government are out to kill her, and she's been triple-vaxxed, which is why it's not going to happen for us anytime soon (VAIDs or other dangers that we may not know about). I'll have to reassure her that it's not because of cheating, she doesn't do it for me, or various other reasons, but I have to remain steadfast in not being able to tell her at that time, and keep it at that (no reasons why, just point-blank, "I can't tell you right now"). Whether she goes, stays, or prays, that's on her, and it won't break my heart whatever decision she makes. I've already run out of options as far as trying to show her what's going on, so maybe this will help her wake up. Or maybe not...
Thank goodness my better half didn’t get the jab or the nasal swabs that I know of. My plan was leave her if she did either or both - I didn’t want to be “shedded” on on a regular basis.
For the none serious comment:
“When you marry your wife becomes your right hand. If your wife not available (for any reason/s) your right hand becomes your wife”😹🤭😆
You/they always have a choice. They chose to be victims. When they wake-up I’ll be around to provide support, otherwise I’ve tried even too hard in redpilling them and they are still “tone deaf”, “eyes wide shut”, and the worse part refuse to admit they got lied to🤬😤😡
To briefly get personal- when my other half again bemoans that fact that we haven't been intimate for a long time now, I'll explain to her that there's a reason, but that I can't tell her that reason yet. I have to do this because she is 150% asleep and refuses to listen to evidence of or even consider that her beloved health care industry (that she works in) and government are out to kill her, and she's been triple-vaxxed, which is why it's not going to happen for us anytime soon (VAIDs or other dangers that we may not know about). I'll have to reassure her that it's not because of cheating, she doesn't do it for me, or various other reasons, but I have to remain steadfast in not being able to tell her at that time, and keep it at that (no reasons why, just point-blank, "I can't tell you right now"). Whether she goes, stays, or prays, that's on her, and it won't break my heart whatever decision she makes. I've already run out of options as far as trying to show her what's going on, so maybe this will help her wake up. Or maybe not...
Thank goodness my better half didn’t get the jab or the nasal swabs that I know of. My plan was leave her if she did either or both - I didn’t want to be “shedded” on on a regular basis.
For the none serious comment: “When you marry your wife becomes your right hand. If your wife not available (for any reason/s) your right hand becomes your wife”😹🤭😆
You/they always have a choice. They chose to be victims. When they wake-up I’ll be around to provide support, otherwise I’ve tried even too hard in redpilling them and they are still “tone deaf”, “eyes wide shut”, and the worse part refuse to admit they got lied to🤬😤😡