165 If you want to defeat the globalists and reclaim your country you can use 198 Non Violent Methods by Gene Sharp (Developed for the CIA) as the Australian and German civil resistance movements are doing—time for America to show the world how to stop the Bolshevique madness. (commonslibrary.org) posted 1 year ago by villageidiot22 1 year ago by villageidiot22 +166 / -1 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp Stuck in a rut when it comes to campaign tactics? Explore Gene Sharp's 198 methods of nonviolent action - classified into 3 categories. 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The strange thing is that Gene Sharp's books and works are aimed at left wing activists fighting to free themselves from right wing tyranny.
He doesn't have a good impression of the CIA, but who does? I don't know if his methods are applicable to our situation but its worth exploring them.