I think what Christ is getting at in John 8 is that even though the Pharisees may have Abraham as their physical ancestor, the true descendants of Abraham are anyone who has the faith of Abraham. That is why he says ~"God could raise up descendants for Abraham from these rocks."
The Pharisees mostly likely don't have Satan as a physical ancestor, but Jesus calls Satan their father, because they follow the path of rebellion against God that Satan pioneered.
I think evidence that many of these people who rejected Jesus are physical descendants of Jacob/Israel is John 1:11. "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him."
But how would that teaching reconcile, with Paul in Romans 11? He says he is an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, then in verse 14 he talks about how he is trying to save some of his brethren, the ones who are the ones in disbelief.
He also calls the Jews, the majority of whom are currently in disbelief, a "natural olive branch". He says that at a later time, the natural olive branch will be grafted in again. Presumably meaning that the majority of this same Jewish people will believe.
I still don't think that is Biblical. Cornelius is not a Jew and so the Jewish believers are surprised when he receives the Holy Spirit just as they do. This surprised Peter because Cornelius was not of their race so it says (acts 10:34)
"Opening his mouth, Peter said: I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality,"
Also, Galations 3:28:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
So, I don't believe it is only Jews who moved to Europe who are currently believing in Christ.
I think what Christ is getting at in John 8 is that even though the Pharisees may have Abraham as their physical ancestor, the true descendants of Abraham are anyone who has the faith of Abraham. That is why he says ~"God could raise up descendants for Abraham from these rocks."
The Pharisees mostly likely don't have Satan as a physical ancestor, but Jesus calls Satan their father, because they follow the path of rebellion against God that Satan pioneered.
I think evidence that many of these people who rejected Jesus are physical descendants of Jacob/Israel is John 1:11. "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him."
But how would that teaching reconcile, with Paul in Romans 11? He says he is an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, then in verse 14 he talks about how he is trying to save some of his brethren, the ones who are the ones in disbelief.
He also calls the Jews, the majority of whom are currently in disbelief, a "natural olive branch". He says that at a later time, the natural olive branch will be grafted in again. Presumably meaning that the majority of this same Jewish people will believe.
I still don't think that is Biblical. Cornelius is not a Jew and so the Jewish believers are surprised when he receives the Holy Spirit just as they do. This surprised Peter because Cornelius was not of their race so it says (acts 10:34) "Opening his mouth, Peter said: I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality,"
Also, Galations 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
So, I don't believe it is only Jews who moved to Europe who are currently believing in Christ.