THE GREAT AMNESTY: GAW has the best mod team on the WINs! But we're not perfect (and nobody knows that better than CatsFive)! Want to come back and contribute? Lift? Dig? Research? And make high-effort, high-quality POSTS? Drop us a modmail, say why you were banned, promise to be good, and L.F.G.!!!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

As someone who ended up on the naughty list once or twice for my slightly more negative take on things sometimes, much love to the mod team for letting me hang around.
You last post was 3 months ago, so, when do you get started?
Not everyone is here to post. Some are here simply to gather info and engage in some discussion and dialogue.
Seems real petty of you to go for the “your last post” card freQuently. It’s like your go-to move. Like I said, petty.
I dont post but I take the red pills distributed here out into the real world and pass them out like they are candy.
I've also been admonished for not posting.
That is the way.
We are working with Scored to create a system where commenting is loosely related to post upvotes. You will have to post occasionally (at least a few times a month) to comment here.
Of course. Thanks.
This isn't Toastmasters, did you know? Join a supper club if you're just here for the social experience. We have Telegram for casuals that want to do nothing. This is a research board. Just how much do you over-value yourself? Why is it that this do-nothing, hang-around attitude always comes from those with no posts? If we delete you, does anyone notice? If you can't arse yourself to make even the occasional post, be prepared to be moved to the nosebleeds where you belong.
I write for a living, and I'm not interested in using my personal time to write articles here for free.
Now, if you want to hire me to post content here, then feel free to message me so we can discuss my rates.
When you push people to churn out content for you, you're just going to get a flood of "shower thoughts", dozens of similar posts on whatever the day's current news is, and people recycling old posts.
If there's nothing really happening worthy of being posted about, berating people for not posting isn't going to change that.
It's very noticeable when posts get few replies because you've banned all the people you believe to be useless.
Just look at the posts currently on the "hot" page. Most of them have maybe a dozen or so replies, at best.
What point is there in churning out content, if no one is bothering to comment and have discussions on it?
Isn't that why you keep giving ban amnesties? To try to get more people interacting here? But why would they? You treat the average person here horribly. You expect them to provide material for you, and when they do, you usually just delete it because it's "shower thoughts", or 20 people have already posted about it that day, or it's on a topic you don't like.
And then they get treated to a ban for not being good enough and get petty and snarky comments from you for going to the trouble of trying to please you.
And you wonder why this board is dying. Smh