THE GREAT AMNESTY: GAW has the best mod team on the WINs! But we're not perfect (and nobody knows that better than CatsFive)! Want to come back and contribute? Lift? Dig? Research? And make high-effort, high-quality POSTS? Drop us a modmail, say why you were banned, promise to be good, and L.F.G.!!!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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Ah, but, you do. It's called upvoting. And know what ELSE 'decides' what a good post is? THE POSTS YOU POST YOURSELF.
Stand and be recognized! When you post your comment, above, any one of the mod team will look at your POSTS and just... HOW does this work?? EVERY TIME it's a tard with no post score
I am NOT trying to be rude but what right to an opinion do you have about how this place is moderated when you don't participate???? IT BOGGLES MY TEENSY TINY WIDDLE BWAAAIN.