posted ago by PrayerWarrior419 ago by PrayerWarrior419 +151 / -1

Promise I'm not dooming, but ever since I posted about the Southern Border Convoy, I've had almost a panicked feeling and went to Father with it and He just put it so heavy on my heart that we need to pray for anyone taking part in this convoy and then i see this image of patriots lined up at the border and they're ambushed with migrants, cartel, etc on one side and feds on the other. A massacre. I was already preparing for news of any false flags that may occur with this event. I dont claim to be a prophet, I've just learned to go immediately to the Father when i feel panicky and once in a blue moon, I get something like this. Father, we ask You go with and before them, ecamping Your army of angels around them in Jesus name! Amen!