The drug ads are part of mass programming keeping people in fear and in the bottomless pit of pharma consumption. And people cannot escape the brainwashing. It is all indoctrination. Mood of the entire country will elevate if pharma ads on TV end!!
Follow the chain of command up from the WEF. we have not yet cleaned house
They Europeans wish to cover up their own participation in the trafficking from The Ukraine but that ship has sailed.
The coked up little fairy Zelensky cannot stop the Big Dogs from talking and making decisions.
Those bitches are all going to hell.
Back up a minute... Chelsea Handler used to go with the previous owner of the Standard Hotel? What is the new name of the Standard. Conflagration looming?
You can come right out and say they are interdimensional and reptilian in form. But can hide it when necessary. Why beat around the bush. Remember how shocked people were to see with their own eyes, the theme of the Vatican with it's reptile symbology? First step for freedom is acknowledge who ones oppressors have been.
And they are smug, too. Had us pay for our own genocide.
Long long ago there was talk about Zelensky making a hit on the plant look like Russia did it. No one is fooled.
Remember he is a fry brain from coke and probably other drugs. They gave a lot of drugs to their "army" too
If only the boy who died during Schitt's rape of him at the Stanfard Hotel could be traced back through the child trafficking funnel to the country he came from. Seem to recall mention of him having been a Haitian child. This won't happen... but, remember, there was a witness at the hotel when cross-dressed Schitt came out of the room into the hall saying the boy was dead. And the witness was suicided. Calling on whistleblowers. To take this out of the 'hearsay' category.
Accountability in-coming
Is it their fancy way of encouraging condom use and if no condom and a pregnancy, then it's considered intentional and acceptance of responsibility for the child?
No joke. We were told in 2023 that our 2022 filing had been misplaced and that they were entering our income for that year as zero.
Let's all try to guess who his daddy is.
Typical commietard, thinks cheesy transparent manipulations will serve them.
Trump's face showed no reaction to what X said. I was watching carefully. So yes maybe he was aiming the words at some one else
Concept is delightful
So when do our planes arrive there to move people safely to the USA? And don't leave their pets behind.
Seth Rich. Still waiting!
And what is infuriating is that ss pymts are pathetically too low to enable quality of life
USAID did issue pymts to people doing legitimate work as well as to shady ones.
I'm with ya. Many layers to this. If they gave an award for sleuthing Candace could win. Wow!! No such thing as a secret for her.
I would love it if she would deep dig Adam Schiff and Bill Gates.
I have been listening to David for 20 years. His brain is storing a phenomenal amount of pertinent data. He talks about, and can do, woo woo I personally know of, so in a way we are two birds of a feather. Two odd ducks actually. And I am very aware of why some take him with a grain of salt. But when he is right, is he ever.
David is an information junkie. His supporters love him like an eccentric friend, not like a cult leader. He absolutely does mean well. Everything he learns he tries to share. He does pick the brains of other researchers but he give credit. But anyone putting themselves out there on the internet and saying what they think, is going to be criticized to death.