TLDR; Trump's Truth misspelling yesterday suggests Iran is next, and we are in a final stage of military operation to reveal the Kenyan's true identity and purpose. "Misspellings matter." Q#831 & 3704
Yesterday, Q+ posted a truth abouth the border, with 'common sense' incorrectly spelled as one word, with no space.
Searching for no-space kill boxes - [] - yields interesting results. The Q posts referenced here are included in comments below. This post only discusses those Q posts seemingly directed at anons, since two results are clearly directed at military operators, yet this decode considers that the military operator comms and the kill box signifier prompted by Q+'s misspelling indicate military operations being conducted around this decode.
#POSTS: (highlights)
- 3/15/XX - Q#947 - "Iran next" "RT Kenya" "No coincidences" "MB" "BOOM"
- 2/7/XX - Q#679 & 680 - "Future proves past" "News unlocks map" "+ ++ +++" "RED OCTOBER" "IRON EAGLE" "Kill box"
- 1/22/xx - Q#594 - "Drones over US" "Tracking only"
- 1/21/xx - Q# 570 - "The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America" "Hussein" "Valerie Jarrett" "U1 fund/supply Iran/NK" "Open borders" "Pure EVIL" "The Great Awakening"
Since future proves past and news unlocks map, and out of the included Q posts we most recently passed January 22, a search for drone news on Jan. 22, 2024 provides the following top news article: "U.S./U.K. Launch Major Strike Mission on Houthi Missile, Drone Infrastructure" in the Red Sea. Article link -
Furthermore, let's consider that Iran is phonetically pronounced "I-rawn," or ironically and visually, Iron. So a search for 'Iran Eagle' points to a "secret" underground air force base called Eagle 44, the nexus for Iran's Red Sea military operations. Article link -
And finally, the longest and earliest post referenced (Q#570) includes special emphasis on both military operator comms, as well as comms directed at we anons, and provides the real meat, or purpose - Obummer, Jarrett, open borders, and The Great Awakening.
Q+ possibly just delivered a heads-up that we are on schedule and on budget for the controlled demolition of the deep state, and the emergence of The Great Awakening, in the near term and may expect to see the following to occur:
- 1/22/24 - Iranian drone infrastructure dismantled
- 2/7/24 - Eagle 44 base dismantled
- 3/15/24 - Iran as a deep state outpost dismantled
I don’t think so.
Past proves future is the modus operandi now?
Trump is sending anons super secret messages about future actions?
Our enemies are so stupid, they could never decode this themselves? May as well post in clear text.
What is the strategic value?
I 100% agree.
I've never understood what these "secret comms" are supposed to accomplish.
Who are they for? Us? What are we going to do with that information?
If comms are this easy to decode, why even bother? It's not like it took a genius to come up with that. And this is hardly a secure site to share secret information.
So what is the point, other than giving some people a hobby, and making them feel like they're accomplishing something important?
Or is the attraction in knowing something other people don't know? Like it's some secret cool kids' club to get involved in decoding typos?
I really don't get it. So if anyone has a rational answer for a) Who are these comms meant for?
b) What exactly are they supposed to do with that information and
c) What is the point of "secret comms" when apparently anyone with a room temperature IQ can decode it, and then proceed to talk about it on a public board that anyone and their uncle has access to and is routinely monitored by several agencies?
Because ain't none of that shit making sense to me.
That's been my hang-up with a lot of this.
I mean we're talking about people with access to supercomputers. They could analyze every drop multiple times for every possible meaning and cross reference that with all these tweets.
Things are happening, but Q did say most of it wouldn't be public.