posted ago by madmax2 ago by madmax2 +158 / -0

In reading a book called "Supressed Science" the author, who studied chemical engineering at MIT and business at Harvard, blames thimerosol on autism. Thimerosol is used as a preservative in vaccines. After it began being used, autism started popping up. The book, which was written in 2006, states that a decision to remove thimerosol in the US was made in 1999, but the WHO (perhaps the non-infiltrated WHO at the time?) said that this cannot be because it is needed to kill bacteria during the non-sterile manufacturing process. He claims that all flu vaccines contain it. (Should it therefore stand to reason that this is in the Covid vax?) He also said that, according to a German study, mercury is found in extremely high concentrations of athletes who died suddenly (keep in mind the book was written in 2006). Apparently, some people can genetically excrete mercury much better than others. Thimerosol disappears after injection and forms a toxic substance called ethyl mercury. All of this could explain things when it comes to the vaccines.