I will say this, if you don't see the pull out of the USA from the UN, and pull out from NATO, soon after Trump is elected, it will be EXTREMLY BAD. I believe this to be why the rest of the world attacks Israel in the end, and why saving Israel for last.
I'm not completely sure...and less sure with each passing...FUCKING YEAR...of destruction to this country, that Ezra could or can be trusted. Put a lot of hope into that dude back in the day...nasomuch any more.
Well that would be the WORST CHOICE he could ever make. Here is your first video of UNDERSTANDING https://www.prageru.com/video/should-you-care-about-israel The guy is into the UN and Israel. Could you ask for a worse combo. He already was a security advisor to Trump https://www.pacificcouncil.org/newsroom/trump-names-robert-c-o%E2%80%99brien-national-security-advisor
Lets hope it just wasn't a JEW PICKING ANOTHER JEW...like we never saw that before. RCO also stands for Regional currency office. A "regional currency office" was a kind of distributor of Liberty Dollars
Maybe a stretch.
I will say this, if you don't see the pull out of the USA from the UN, and pull out from NATO, soon after Trump is elected, it will be EXTREMLY BAD. I believe this to be why the rest of the world attacks Israel in the end, and why saving Israel for last.
I'm not completely sure...and less sure with each passing...FUCKING YEAR...of destruction to this country, that Ezra could or can be trusted. Put a lot of hope into that dude back in the day...nasomuch any more.
Cohencidences don't exist. Everything happens for a reason.