My brother, who proudly displayed his vaccine card on Facebook for all to see, had a lumpectomy for a cancerous mass this past December. He was airlifted a couple days ago after having a Grand Mal seizure and a stroke. Today he is in a coma, his future is uncertain. He's 59 years old. His wife (age 57) started having mini strokes immediately following her jabs. Her Doctors of course are baffled and she can't work much anymore. My brother hasn't spoken to me since all of this fuckery began because I was so vocal and "opinionated" about NOT being sheep willingly accepting their own slaughter.
I am currently taking care of my ailing parents (both jabbed despite my begging & pleading) and so I absolutely cannot leave the state to go see my brother. I've been praying for him and his wife. I forgive them for everything (especially him) just as I myself desperately need forgiveness. My brother and his wife were both looking forward to their retirement. I'm struggling even though I've known this day was coming for almost four years...I still cannot believe it's happening.
Is this happening to families all across America, how will we survive?ππ»
heartbreaking. I'm sorry. And very much so for op as well. I'm scared, too. So far I have five dead and several frail. the world feels like it has gone mad. It is pretty bizarre isn't it to now be in a world where all around are forces working on one way after another to do us in. I never would have dreamed "this time" would come during my own lifetime. Thank you God my two children refused the vaxx as I did but too many others close to me would not listen. When people ask how I am I say that for someone who had a bioweapon illness I am doing great. It is not like I have no problems from covid because I certainly do, or should say "did" but getting better! Hell of a lot more encouraging than it is for someone who got the vaxx. I pity them.