Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Yesterdays Adult Sunday School lesson is in Romans 12:3-8 You can read this for yourself.
This lesson is about the Spiritual Gifts Given by God.
6. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. They are: Prophesy- revealing, show forth and make known. Not 'predicting' the future, but revealing the truth.
Service- (Ministry) ability to elevate any need of another. Interested in 'doing' rather than talking.
Teach- instruct information and truth so that others will learn.
Encourage- the ability to call forth the best in others
Giving- Sharing what one has with others.
Lead- Ability to set goals in accordance with God's purpose.
Mercy- God-given ability to feel genuine compassion.
There are other gifts God has given us also. They are in I Corinthians 12:28. God does not give us all of these gifts, as he makes each and every one of us unique. Some people have more of these gifts than others, while some only have a few. But the blessing is the same because it is all about Love. The questions one should ask at the end of this lesson are 1). Shouldn't everyone give with sincerity? 2 Corinthians 9:7, 2). Shouldn't everyone rule or manage at least his or her own life to keep from being unproductive? 2 Peter 1:5-8 and 3). Shouldn't everyone be merciful? James 2:13
After having this lesson and seeing all the gifts listed on the whiteboard, I looked to see how many of them I think I own. Then I looked again at the list and compared them to see who has what between Biden and Trump. I can see President Trump in all of them. He did and still does SERVE this nation and puts the peoples needs above his own. He TEACHES us the truth to open our eyes. Take for example the poem "The Snake." He ENCOURAGES us to go out and step into roles we would never have thought of doing, such as running for office. And he Uplifts us by telling us that WE WILL WIN. He GIVES. He gave back his presidential salary to help the VA and other organizations while in office. And he is giving his assets in court to help save our nation. He LEADS because he is a natural Leader. And he shows MERCY. He passed a bill called The Right to Try Act so that those terminal with no hope, could try any medication in order to survive. There are many other acts of mercy he has shown too.
I thought this was noteworthy of sharing as I don't see Biden having any of these gifts. God bless all.