posted ago by Rando47 ago by Rando47 +19 / -0

My dad sent this verse to me in a text as an explanation for conservatives vs. 'liberals,' right vs. left. I also read further and the following verse is also appropriate.

Ecclesiastes 10:2-3 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are.

This was a bit eye opening to me as some things began to fall into place in my mind about Satan twists whatever is truth into lies. Biblically, the right is the way of wisdom, of following God's laws and statutes which leads to salvation. The left is the way of foolishness and rejecting God's wisdom for the flawed wisdom of man, and Satan, which leads to destruction.

Then, I began to draw further connections about the false chart that's presented in schools and argued about by academia about how fascists are far right and that both the left and the right go around to what is essentially a dictatorship. On face value, I already knew this to be a foolish argument as it presents the argument that those who peruse limited government would suddenly flip in their values to embrace tyranny.

As seen in the founding documents of the United States, a 'right' oriented government is one of limiting the reach of government and preserving the rights of self-determination for citizens and prioritizes the authority of governmental bodies closer to the people than the federal level, ie the State and local governments, so long as the basic rights of the individuals are not violated.

If anything, the accurate chart would look something more like a bar chart that depicts how a government that obtains control can slide leftward toward despotism rather than a circle around. After all, the ultimate end of continuing down a path of limited government would be no government and doing as everyone sees as being right for themselves, which goes back to a 'left' leaning ideology according to the Biblical definition.

The interesting thing about this right vs. left is that it applies to all forms of government. As in, a righteous king with absolute power that rules according to what is 'right' according to the law of God would be better to live under than a representative government (whether legitimate or not) whose hearts have gone to the left.

Just some thoughts I had on it.