I got my vasectomy on a saturday morning in the 90s and last year had minor surgery on my knee on a saturday afternoon. My wife had a biopsy on a sunday. It's not that unusual.
Depends on the area. In major cities it is very common. I know a handful of people who live here in a major FL city who have had major elective surgery on the weekends.
In most places it is the only time doctors can do elective surgeries because the ORs are otherwise full.
Back surgery scheduled for the weekend?
I got my vasectomy on a saturday morning in the 90s and last year had minor surgery on my knee on a saturday afternoon. My wife had a biopsy on a sunday. It's not that unusual.
Minor, in office, walk out surgery isn't major elective surgery and I have never heard of that in my area.
Depends on the area. In major cities it is very common. I know a handful of people who live here in a major FL city who have had major elective surgery on the weekends.
In most places it is the only time doctors can do elective surgeries because the ORs are otherwise full.
That makes sense.