very, very accomplished man in his later years. we started in on how things are going and he's a talk radio guy. hits all of the big stuff- covid was planned, jab is killing people, cloward-piven (he's an old school commie hater), the mil-industrial complex. and his wife is a big RINO hunter.
don't get too hyper-focused on the propaganda frens and anons, in the bigger picture we are winning and people are now seeing the evil in the world.
I see this happening around me too. Folks I know, who for the past few years have seemed oblivious to what has been going on, are now waking up and actually talking about it. I see it everywhere in my neck of the woods (east Tennessee). I think it's hit "critical mass" like the "100th Monkey" effect ( ) ...and suddenly the ideas we have been talking about since Q first posted in Oct. 2017, began gaining traction, spreading slowly at first, and then exponentially.
I think we're seeing the culmination of the Q Effect and The Plan. It's taken years, but as I've watched the culture go from asleep sheep to awakened angry majority, all we need now is a leader to coalesce the millions of people into a common force.
And that is where Donald J. Trump comes in. The obvious leader to make this Great Awakening into an irresistible political, economic, and social tidal wave.
My wife has been watching Patera's Appalachia's Homestead (your neck of the woods) for a couple years now. Patera has been warning folks to stock up on supplies, grow their own food and prepare for an economic collapse.
I'm convinced Patera is an Anon as she's well aware of the NWO / WEF plans. Tune in if you get a chance. She does a better job of informing normies than I have the patience to.
I've been watching her too. As a matter of fact today I'm canning turkey and apples.
What time is dinner? 😍
I'll clear my schedule. 😉