I love hearing about the different things that wake people up, or that one thing that causes that first eyelid to crack open a bit, and let the light in. For me, it was back in 2016, on the day of the Rep. primary in NC. I had already decided to vote for Trump, simply because, in my opinion, he was the only one of the entire Republican field of 20, that could get down in the gutter and beat Hillary at her own game. But while I was standing in line to cast my primary vote, I overheard a 20 something guy telling someone else "The Republicans can raise 20 million dollars in a week to fight off Donald Trump, but what have they ever done for the veterans?" After that, I just started noticing things, and asking questions, and realized that my whole life, I had just accepted what I was told, and went on.
I love hearing about the different things that wake people up, or that one thing that causes that first eyelid to crack open a bit, and let the light in. For me, it was back in 2016, on the day of the Rep. primary in NC. I had already decided to vote for Trump, simply because, in my opinion, he was the only one of the entire Republican field of 20, that could get down in the gutter and beat Hillary at her own game. But while I was standing in line to cast my primary vote, I overheard a 20 something guy telling someone else "The Republicans can raise 20 million dollars in a week to fight off Donald Trump, but what have they ever done for the veterans?" After that, I just started noticing things, and asking questions, and realized that my whole life, I had just accepted what I was told, and went on.