In my research early on there was a detailed description of the backbone of this weaponized virus that showed several different things built on the backbone of this manufactured strain of covid and HIV was one of them. There was also comments from virologists that claimed the natural occurring of the combination of all of the things, in this weaponized virus, coming together in one host would take about 500 years. These ghouls are weaponizing viruses, not looking for cures for naturally occurring viruses.
In my research early on there was a detailed description of the backbone of this weaponized virus that showed several different things built on the backbone of this manufactured strain of covid and HIV was one of them. There was also comments from virologists that claimed the natural occurring of the combination of all of the things, in this weaponized virus, coming together in one host would take about 500 years. These ghouls are weaponizing viruses, not looking for cures for naturally occurring viruses.