They've been doing this their entire maladministration. Every time they post monthly jobs numbers, they're very optimistic, generate positive headlines, the news cycle moves on, and the numbers get quietly revised down later. This happens more often than it doesn't, and that's not organic. That's not a mistake when the errors are always in the ruling regime's favor.
These people are Marxists and they run government like Marxists do.
Also, I'm still not clicking on a Cancer Pundit repost of a FauxNews segment. Ever.
Exactly how things are done. I think Alexander Solzhenitsyn had a good explanation of how the USSR economy was booming, while none of the gulags managed to have any production.
The gulags didn't harvest much lumber, because their prisoners kept dying. So the bookkeepers inflated the production numbers.
The actual lumber was sent to canal/river shipping, which only had the manpower to ship the limited cargo.
The shipping company (which never received the imaginary lumber) said that they shipped it, but it got lost in natural disasters. So it was declared "destroyed in transit."
This solution allowed the camps to claim high production, without ever needing to deliver the physical goods.
They've been doing this their entire maladministration. Every time they post monthly jobs numbers, they're very optimistic, generate positive headlines, the news cycle moves on, and the numbers get quietly revised down later. This happens more often than it doesn't, and that's not organic. That's not a mistake when the errors are always in the ruling regime's favor.
These people are Marxists and they run government like Marxists do.
Also, I'm still not clicking on a Cancer Pundit repost of a FauxNews segment. Ever.
Exactly how things are done. I think Alexander Solzhenitsyn had a good explanation of how the USSR economy was booming, while none of the gulags managed to have any production.
Amen. I have noticed the same.