The other day I was conversing on GAW about a prophecy and an anon called the individual a false prophet because he had one prediction that didn’t come true. I won’t get into details because that isn’t the point of this post, but in general, it said Obama would receive a baptism of the Holy Spirit and the implication was it would happen that year, in 2010. Here is that post if you want to catch up:
I was arguing maybe he did and we just haven’t seen it. And that got me thinking.
We all agree that the white hats are in control to a respectable degree of what goes on in the Biden administration. They do their own thing in some parts, but someone is directing them to do things along the way. But I don’t think we have ever discussed who exactly is in control. Sure, someone is telling Biden to act a certain way or renew a certain EO, but who is doing that and driving the white hat’s interest in the administration?
What if Obama did turn and is working with the white hats? I know that is far out, but someone on the dark side has to be pulling some strings. Everyone seems to agree Obama is in the basement running the show. Maybe he is directing the white hat movie on the black hat side of the film. For example, we had the number 17 showing up right from the start:
It was quickly clear that someone else was in control with all the comms that were going on. So we all know there is “someone in the basement” telling Biden what to do. The assumption is that Obama is down there, but someone on the Patriots side is also controlling Biden and having him act like we want. Or, a simpler explanation is that someone, who is on the inside, is directing him like the white hats want. Someone is saying to him, the staff, whomever, “sign 17 EOs on the first day.” And “Renew EO 13848”. He does things that are obviously not ideal for his office, or comms for us. And he does things that even I could come up with more sinister ways to accomplish the goal without the bad press they get from the the way they are doing things. And I think that someone could possibly be Obama. What if Obama is the reformed white hat that is guiding him off course as the white hats want?
Thinking about it another way, we wonder why the white hats are effectively cutting off the cabal at every single turn. Project Looking Glass. Game Theory. (A) happens and the white hats ran 100’s of scenarios and said (B) in their likely next move so the white hats did (C) to preemptively neutralize it. How much easier is that if you have someone on the inside guiding their actions? And how easy would it be for that someone to be Obama, who turned and is trying to right his wrongs? (X) happens, then Obama says to Soros and Biden and their ilk “Uhhh, ya know… I think if we’re… going to combat this, ...we need to do (Y).” Which the white hats knew would be the direction and can preemptively counteract it with (Z). I’m sure this will get me some downvotes, so if you do, what is your hypothesis? How are the white hat plans getting into Biden’s ear. Who is specifically telling him, or the actor version of him, to fall up the stairs three times in a row for example? Or extend EO 13848? Or to do a speech with a red background so he literally looks like the reincarnation of Hitler? Those things can’t just be happening in a coincidentally convenient fashion.
You could very well be right. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but God can touch and change any heart. To say Obama is evil beyond God's ability to change him is really diminishing the power of God. Even with the evil in the world that comes from sin and free will, God is still above it all and nothing it too big for Him to do if it is His will.