Of course it killed more than it saved, because COVID wasn't killing anyone. They simply CALLED everything COVID. Still, even by doing that, the shots killed more people. There is no nice way of putting this. It was on purpose. They damn well knew they were calling heart attack deaths COVID deaths JUST to inflate the numbers, get that money, induce fear, and push jabs, which was yet more money. They all deserve something terrible.
Of course it killed more than it saved, because COVID wasn't killing anyone. They simply CALLED everything COVID. Still, even by doing that, the shots killed more people. There is no nice way of putting this. It was on purpose. They damn well knew they were calling heart attack deaths COVID deaths JUST to inflate the numbers, get that money, induce fear, and push jabs, which was yet more money. They all deserve something terrible.
Remdesevir killed a lot. It almost killed my friend's 40 ish wife.