To be fair, WTC 5 & 6 were pretty much fucked up by the falling debris and had to be demolished... BUT they remained standing and did not collapse into their own foot print in a self-controlled demolition.
I suspect the grand plan was to hit WTC 1 & 2, collapse them, then bring in the fourth jet to fly over the debris pile, hit WTC 7 and collapse it for the finale. Unfortunately, the passengers allegedly brought down the last jet.
Who knows. All I know is that Epstein did not kill himself.
To be fair, WTC 5 & 6 were pretty much fucked up by the falling debris and had to be demolished... BUT they remained standing and did not collapse into their own foot print in a self-controlled demolition.
I suspect the grand plan was to hit WTC 1 & 2, collapse them, then bring in the fourth jet to fly over the debris pile, hit WTC 7 and collapse it for the finale. Unfortunately, the passengers allegedly brought down the last jet.
Who knows. All I know is that Epstein did not kill himself.