I've been on this board for 2 plus years and began lurking on it shortly after the Donald subreddit was purged from reddit. I've never once felt the need to approach mods or the admins. Ive watched entire accounts disappear after arguing with me. So I think there's valid reasons to suggest that the mods n admins know what they're doing.
If my government has the power to shut down bank accounts it most certainly has the power to shut down the .wins right?
So why haven't they?
Space Force. That's my best guess.
But I've noticed as our numbers continue to grow that new members have a tendency to ..... speak as though they know something. Like approaching a mod or admin believing you are the gatekeeper of truth. There's is this sublime pride that permeates this board. As though having foresight of the upcoming events somehow makes us the new arbiters of ethics and virtue.
This isn't a place to declare your religious affiliations or allegiance to Jesus Christ. What it seems like is a whole lot of praying in public so that you are seen. Getting your dopamine hit on the back of Jesus' name. We ought to condemn it and i do. Go into your closet and pray.
Yes there are religious overtones echoed in the Q vocabulary and if someone seeks you out to learn about Jesus well by all means lead them to the Lord. But it's cringe and everyone knows it. It dilutes Christ or rather in my eyes it does. There are volumes to be filled with stories of what Christ has done for me and so many others. I just think we overdue it here sometimes.
My heart breaks for what's to come. Great Shame. The humility of man. All this must come first before people will ever seek righteousness in Jesus. The mass destruction of pride is upon us.
If you don't have answers for why the cabal does what they do, If you don't know why, If you have not sat in the low squalor of shame you will have no idea how to lead people out of this garbage. Let's start from the place of common ground. That common ground says that you nor I have any real understanding of anything, at any given time, ever.
The great awakening is about leading people out of the garbage and Christ has to be in our words and actions to lead them there. But you cheapen his mighty and great work when you use social media clout for dopamine and every atheist and fence sitter sees it. That's why I don't upvote them. I don't even read them. Not bc they're not true but bc I read from the well that is the Bible everyday and so should you; thats your dopamine.
Are you a MemeLord or adding to the body of knowledge here or speculating or asking questions? Those are the only people that are here with true intentions. What has Q proven? Adding to the body of knowledge What does it mean? Q speculation I need to learn more. Asking questions.
If you're not one of these 4 types you ought to not be commenting here. Just so we can cut through the clutter. MemeLords are always welcome.
If this were an accounting subreddit we wouldn't tolerate religious spam would we? No matter how .... bang on the wisdom is. It's not appropriate given the subject matter.
It's about self regulation. So pretty please stop up voting religious diatribes please bc its not the mods n admins job, it's our job to self regulate. I simply never up vote them or comment or engage. Nor should you. If you feel compelled by Jesus to view GAW new posts for prayer requests by all means do that.
I've been ostracized for 20+ years for what I have the courage to say out loud. I'm distrustful of people. I'm resentful and for good reason. I don't need friends in my life and i certainly dont need them here. I don't need friends in my life; my friends need Jesus in theirs. So just bc you have 45 posts about Jesus, it doesn't mean anything to me ..... and anyone with real knowledge and wisdom knows that.
We are not reddit please stop pretending we are a giant hippy community of likeminded Christians. I probably wouldn't like or trust 90% of you if I met you but that's on me. Too many retarded faggots are doomfagging and datefagging when they should just be lurking and learning instead of thinking they have something to add when they don't.
Your success in this world today has little to no merit post great awakening.
I feel like the fag at the communist convention a few years back - point of order - "would everyone please stop using gendered language"
I love all you fags just please stfu.
Oh hello, its nice to see you, I hope you had a good nights sleep and breakfast.
Why would I break my fast this early in the day?