posted ago by EarlBroadHill2 ago by EarlBroadHill2 +88 / -0

This is a strange one. I hope everyone remembers that documentss about "Comey" that were actually written "Corney". Post #3703 comes to mind.


Anons IDEN the 'error' made re: Corney v Comey? Think recent doc release. Q

Now the exactly same "error" happened with the Brazilian Supreme Court. In this case from "como" (how) to "corno" (cuckold).


or the translated to english version: https://revistaoeste-com.translate.goog/brasil/decisao-de-moraes-troca-palavra-como-por-corno-em-3-trechos/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp

What are the odds?