We have been told for awhile that there were biolabs in Ukraine, a map of their locations was shown on this site awhile back. Our tax dollars are likely going to those running the labs, for their silence, as well as to keep quiet about Hunter and Metabiota in Ukraine. This stinks to high heaven, and you can bet your firstborn that the Senators voting to send funds to Ukraine are involved up to their eyeballs too. Start demanding an investigation into all of the bank accounts of those pushing more funding to Ukraine. Also Zelensky has profited nicely, enough to purchase at least one multimillion dollar mansion.
Not only was the map of the land shown but the targeted bombing by Russia was laid over the first map and illustrated that Russia knew, before they even started in Ukraine, what these locations were, where they were located, and what they were doing.
Like them or not, they are cleaning up after our own politicians’ evil mistakes.
We have been told for awhile that there were biolabs in Ukraine, a map of their locations was shown on this site awhile back. Our tax dollars are likely going to those running the labs, for their silence, as well as to keep quiet about Hunter and Metabiota in Ukraine. This stinks to high heaven, and you can bet your firstborn that the Senators voting to send funds to Ukraine are involved up to their eyeballs too. Start demanding an investigation into all of the bank accounts of those pushing more funding to Ukraine. Also Zelensky has profited nicely, enough to purchase at least one multimillion dollar mansion.
Not only was the map of the land shown but the targeted bombing by Russia was laid over the first map and illustrated that Russia knew, before they even started in Ukraine, what these locations were, where they were located, and what they were doing.
Like them or not, they are cleaning up after our own politicians’ evil mistakes.