Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone voting for Kamala and Wahl must be in favor of: illegal entries of people who bring zero skills and zero self support to our country, people who violate all of our laws (murder, rape, trafficking, theft and refusal to assimilate), illegal voting, child rape and slavery, socialism, wars, all electric vehicles to further 15 minute cities, high taxes, high gas prices to further 15 minute cities, no home ownership, low cost housing in all cities to house illegals and people unwilling to work, no jobs, etc.

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, to much chance of fraud=pay for votes.

Hope4thefuture 9 points ago +9 / -0

Who approved this and who is paying for it? Where is the information going? Who paid for the development? If the answer is tax funds were used, then we the taxpayers own the satellites and the information.

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do away with all machine voting. Military ballots must be delivered to a central military location for counting with appropriate chain of command. No mail in ballots, only drop boxes capable of accepting one ballot (must be accompanied by a copy of passport, or driver’s license, and certified copy of birth certificate (if using a driver’s license). Drop boxes will only accept a ballot with fingerprint entry, followed by a copy of passport or driver’s license with picture,Attempt to insert additional ballots with same fingerprint will be rejected. All drop boxes will have camera verification. (I assume this type of drop box will need to be developed.)

Hope4thefuture 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, death penalty. Those young girls have had their lives ruined, forever changed physically and psychologically. If you don’t want the death penalty, then castration. 2nd offense, cut off their hands. Remove body part for every sexual offense: manual rape or holding down to aide others with rape=cut off hands. Penile penetration=castrate or remove penis: Forced oral sex=cut off their tongue. Eight counts of rape only gets one 13 year sentence! Disgusting. In addition, after surgical punishment, prison sentence followed by deportation.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +3 / -1

Send them to San Fran., Seattle, L.A., NY, to all sanctuary cities and states.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ABC moderator should have declined the moderator position d/t her close friendship to Kamala. It would have been the RIGHT thing to do. But when has MSM ever cared about right vs. wrong?

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

TDS at its finest. I feel sorry for the family and the child lost, but they have misplaced their anger. Without law and order, they and their neighbors/relatives could be next. I am with Trump, swift trial and execution. No prolonged appeals or 20 years before execution.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not condoning what they supposedly did, but I can understand police frustration when time and again the justice system disappoints them and their efforts to stop crime: badmouthing police with the stand down and defund the policy policies, no bail, catch and release.

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not if the illegals have anything to say about it! Pretty soon it will be shop by invitation only, with armed guards at the entry point.

Hope4thefuture 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tired looking and poor quality. I long for the days of Joseph Horne and Higbees.

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Congress were not a total waste of money, they would have started on the save act 3 years ago. It is all political posturing for a bunch of high paid RINOs and Dems. It is time to “reimagine” Congress!

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

By overloading the system=deport ALL and ANY illegals/non-citizens=good excuse to stop the LBJ era freebies to citizens who game the system as a way of life=new strict criteria for providing aid to those in real need, this is what we need and must do. All able bodied must work. Pregnancy and motherhood must not be an excuse to live on a life of handouts. Maybe requiring volunteerism or work from home could be an alternative, rather than a free handout.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excuse me Penney, but you appear to be the haters. You made it very clear during the Covid scam that potential customers could not enter the store if unmasked. There is no science that shows masks are effective and as a nursing student in 1970, even we were taught that masks would have to be replaced every 15-20 minutes to provide any modicum of effectiveness, no matter how small. In reality masks are detrimental to one’s health: decrease oxygen exchange, lower oxygen levels, rebreathe harmful bacteria and increase throat and lung infections. Never fear, we deplorables will not spend our money on loathsome companies, such as yours’s is, and way overpriced to boot. Remember the old adage: “What goes around, comes around.” Hope your company sees the same fate, as many companies: shuttered into oblivion. Many companies, just like your company, forget their in business to sell a product, not jam your politics down your consumers’ throats. For that, I expect, your company will pay the price, and your employees along with it. Companies never seem to learn from the downfall of other companies. Bye, bye.

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