It is rebellion. The pleasure, the high, of exercising ONE's OWN WILL!! Cut off your own nose to spite your face. Yes they will do that and more. Just for pure WILLFULNESS. No matter the consequences to themselves. The POWER of the exercise of one's OWN WILL is so seductive they cannot resist it. Rebellion! Against Nature and Nature's God! Just because one can exercise WILL. They can't however CHANGE Nature. The are pathetically fighting a losing battle. REBELLION and we know where that idea came from! Bless you Mary911!
It is rebellion. The pleasure, the high, of exercising ONE's OWN WILL!! Cut off your own nose to spite your face. Yes they will do that and more. Just for pure WILLFULNESS. No matter the consequences to themselves. The POWER of the exercise of one's OWN WILL is so seductive they cannot resist it. Rebellion! Against Nature and Nature's God! Just because one can exercise WILL. They can't however CHANGE Nature. The are pathetically fighting a losing battle. REBELLION and we know where that idea came from! Bless you Mary911!
Bless you too my friend.