“Children are being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL.”Q; “The ladder is high.👽 It goes deep underground.”🚇MJ12. See comments

Maybe Putin should have mentioned the child trafficking and bioweapon labs with his interview w/ Carlson??? Maybe? Or is it still too soon?
Edit: Nevermind, if he had said that no one would have believed him. The propaganda against him is too strong. Even pro-trump supporters don't believe him. It has to come from a genuine truth source.
I agree qa...the cognitive dissonance is still too strong among the sheeple.
I had the same thought process. Why didn't Putin tell the whole truth? Because what he said would be instantly discounted as the usual "conspiracy theories." He was better off with verifiable facts about how Russia is trying to be peaceful and the Deep State is not.