“Children are being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL.”Q; “The ladder is high.👽 It goes deep underground.”🚇MJ12. See comments

They’ve been telling us what they have and are doing😡😤🤬
Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall https://youtu.be/qs35t2xFqdU Watch till 4:24 (released in 1979)
Memes added👀👂🤯
Source unless otherwise specified https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf
Majestic 12 was created at the direction of President Truman in 1947 in response to the Zetas that crashed at Roswell.
The Majestic has been an organization within the US Government since 1947 negotiating peace from over 100,000 races across the galaxy.
The Majestic 12 run the United States. We control the Intelligence Community and the Defense Department.
Humanitarian Assistance is code word for human trafficking.
The ladder is high👽. It goes deep underground.🚇
Question. Do other ET races conduct SRA on babies/children? Answer. Yes.
MJ12 https://t.co/R9E2agYNcM DUMB Entrance
Question. What happens in this DUMB?🚇 Answer. 🤡☠👶: (Clowns, Skull and Bones, Children)
Today the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that will ultimately keep American's more safe from the elements of the global human trafficking $30,000,000,000/year industry where children are being smuggled for commercial sex trafficking for up to 30 times per day per child as young as two years old.
Estimated 800,000+++ children go missing each year to an international child sex trafficking network of organizations that include the CIA, FBI, Vatican, Clinton Foundation, MI6, Swiss Guard, GCHQ, FIS, ASIS, VSSE, CISC, DPSD, BND, HCSE, CPSA, SZRU and many MANY more. +++ ++ +
(Taken off world👽, you forgot to mention). Some. Most are consumed.🚨⚠️☣️
😱🤯🙀Typically its rituals that look closer to this... https://t.co/ qRwYA1sJak
Depending on the rank of the person, they can be a consumed in a variety of ways, each have different implications.
Alive (kill with their teeth)
Dead/Whole Body(usually shared)
Blood Drained/Drank(common)
Limb Genitalia (common)
Excrement (common)
Brain matter
Peak Socialism is Peak Pedophilia 👶👧🧒👶👦👧 Peak Communism is Peak Organ Harvesting 🧠🫀🫁 Peak Democratic Socialism is Peak Child Sacrifice
What was the alleged meeting with 46¿ about RE RU? How many hundreds of thousands of children were warehoused? How many were use for organ harvesting? How many were sold into sex slavery?
Of the hundreds of thousands of children... how many survived? How many were trafficked?
How many ended up in the US? How many had their organs harvested?
The truth would shock you.
The number of people involved is shockingly low in contrast.
Logical thinking is required.
Literally several sacrifices per ritual.
You couldn't offer just one.
You may offer up to 17.
Sometimes 21.
Sometimes 7.
Sometimes 11.
Sometimes 3.
Sometimes 1.
Depended entirely on what the next hyperdimensional consciousness entity was being constructed. The number selected impacted the structure of control. It impacted the outcome.
Socialism is designed to harvest children. Socialism is designed to feed on your children. Socialism is designed to enslave you.
Socialism will enslave you if you choose to give known pedophiles, satanists, human traffickers, rapists, rape fanaticizers, pedophile attorneys like CPL, and many many other true deplorables the keys to the greatest military and country this planet has ever seen.
Remember, socialism is designed to steal children away from the home so they can be placed into orphanages, asylums, group homes, pedophile rings, and catalogs where prospective buyers can pay up to $50,000 per child for literally whatever they choose. Organs. Sex. Entertainment.
It's not 100%. It's always above 93%. The system is designed to permit a very small and legitimate segment of the child harvesting operations for legitimate causes and people. Those people are poster-children for the industry. Those rare cases whitewash the remainder.
How does this tie into Space Relations?👽🛸
Well, what if you are trading children for technology and power? Wouldn't you need a very large supply of children available? What if you needed upwards of 100 sacrifices per day in order to sustain remaining in a position of power that was acquired through fraud, force, or coercion? How would you guarantee to your handlers that you could provide a steady flow of fresh blood, new organs, and sacrifices ready for the taking? You introduce socialism.
Socialism can only be installed through deception.
The socialist must lie to you in order to sell you the idea.
They are selling hope.
Hope for a better day.
For a better day.
No coincidence.
It is death trap and your children are the target.
Question. What is the Truth regarding the Apollo program then? So many layers.
Answer. Money laundering and child trafficking mostly. Oh...and of course, MJ12's specialty...movies.
Many ET races feed on human children. Many want to remain in secret.
Q: How many children are traded off world? Are they used for the same purposes off world...sex/shave labor, organs, etc.?
A: Blood, sex, organs.
That order.
They are not traded off-world.
They are traded inter-dimensionally.
When you can "fold space-time" there is no such thing as distance.
Q: Hello MJ12 Do adrenochrome farms exist?
A: Yes
Question. What’s Operation Majestic Childhood
Answer. It is a proxy name used by the Majestic 12 for collecting children for the manufacturing of adrenochrome and transnational/ interplanetary trading of slaves (many are children).The actual program names are compartmentalized within each branch of the Government.
7/ The Majestic Operations running domestically in Florida were being run to supply money, children, slaves, and political power to several DUMBs🚇strategically placed within Broward County and Palm Beach County.
9/ A Stargate exists in Florida that transports hundreds of assets between off world bases.
10/Many who are transferred are children being funneled through some of the major entertainment corporations of Florida who were Majestic appointees of the past.
17/ Florida is a major state to understand when it comes to the Deep State, the Bush Cartel, the Saudi's, and interplanetary child slave trading for religious consumption to continuously feed the occult magic connected to adrenochrome.
18/ Adrenochrome is traded intergalactically among many power hungry races. These other races trade knowledge and access to extreme power for long periods of time in exchange for constant feedings.
19/ Many rituals that occur, the cult members witness the "demon" (aka the extraterrestrial alien) consume the sacrifice and the members who join the Cabal must participate in order to prove their allegiance to this higher form of intelligence (from their own).
20/ When Time and Space are an illusion to you, and you have a ship capable of interplanetary travel, trading a few favors for "convenient events" in exchange for the sacrifices. These entities exist solely for this purpose and they too hve very advanced technology.
Several races gifted craft to Majestic 12 in exchange programs. What we exchanged included children.
Fentanyl can be used in the manufacturing process of adrenochrome.
No, it is used to extend the lifespan of a tortured newborn as their blood is being siphoned up to death. The fentanyl is used to sustain this high and when mixed with other pharmaceutical drugs, it can exponentially increase adrenochrome production.
Solving "Child Sex Trafficking" means we must bring DARKNESS to LIGHT related to the fundamental structures of the porn industry and how its a multibillion dollar a year industry. Imagine making millions on selling quilts? Or videos teaching languages?
No, but children? ð°ð°ð°ð°
Question. How much does a child usually go for ð?
Answer. Typically a few hundred dollars. Anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to hundred thousand dollars and even a million dollars each. Depending on many factors. Groups exist to procure direct targets. Prices reflect vulnerability and uses of the child's development. Many children were mind controlled by MK Ultra. Some Senators oversaw school mind control and would visit to witness their creation.
Many children were mind controlled by MKUltra.
In order to attract more children, you need other children who are being controlled and abused to convince other children to become victims. So when a child shows talent and is traded in these programs they become celebrities you know are involved in this epidemic level of abuse.
Q: Any insight on trafficked Native American past/present?
A: All trafficked victims deserve justice and freedom. Natives have been targeted for eugenics purposes. Many are horrifically sacrificed in unique ways that other victims do not receive. There is a lot of hatred for the synchronicity Natives have with life energy in all.
Africa has faced oppression in the past century that is rooted in pure exploitation. Not even racism. Just pure hatred for humans in general. [They] eat your babies, do you really think they care about you?
Quote @tarekfatah Horror of horrors! Pakistani Tanker on its way to Iran intercepted at the Balochistan border. Watch the kidnapped children who were hidden inside the tanker being smuggled for trafficking. Efforts are now underway to find out their parents. https://t.co/dkqotES0qR https://twitter.com/TarekFatah/status/1068987409549922306/mediaViewer End quote.
Q: Will there be many victims found and brought home to parents? A: Most are terminated several months after being trafficked.
Organ Harvesting connected with official hospital organ transplant service? Symbology will be their downfall. The illusion of safety in the hospital complex deceives sheep who are unaware of the crimes against humanity being committed on "Fourth Reich" / Deep State / 322 Cabal. https://t.co/ 48Em2Rw3S7
Question. Is the age related to the amount of vital energy that can be siphoned? Why sodomy?
Answer. Technically the younger the more energy. Sodomy because it removes trust completely in a nearly permanent manner.
All non-consensual re: siphoning.
Strong root chakra can block energy from being siphoned away.
Remove trust and harvest all of the energy.
"Some things must remain classified to the very end." Q Like human experimentations into telepathic humans. How many children died? More than you know. More than you could stomach.
Moloch is the ancient babylonian IS-BE that feeds on children immediately at birth due to the extremely concentrated source of life energy that can be consumed to make your own IS-BE's consciousness projection aura stronger than surrounding IS-BEs.
One sacrifice every 3 minutes. For the past several THOUSAND years. Talk about a "permanent" source of negative "orgone" energy.
"He's weak. He's living off the unicorns." 800,000+++ MJ12
Question. Whom are you referring to? Who is this vampire?
Answer. Not singular.
Question. Okay then it's many of them,omg we are living in a horror movie,to this very day I can't watch any Dracula or vampire movies I always had a feeling it was real to an extent,even when I was a little girl,this is the worst thing I could have ever imagined and it's real.
Answer. Consider the worst horror movie possible. Now understand that happens on a daily basis.
In order for Disclosure to work, we must dismember Christianity power players as a RICO organizations.
The ET race that invaded Earth that has been feeding on your children must be stop. Great Awakening!
HOLY COW I read the entire thing and looked at the links. I think I will have nightmares tonight.
What some evil people did to Cathy O’Brien and her very young daughter (months) at the same time and making her watch while the perpetrators were laughing made me a grown man cry, considering that I used to work in the health industry and used to seeing and officially pronouncing a person’s death. Really crushed my heart. 💔💔💔
My intention on posting this is hopefully “desensitize” people to a certain degree that they wont go crazy and NOT for the “clicks” and upvotes when the “real” bad videos are officially released to the masses.
I still don’t understand how people can be so cruel, sick and callous. Are they born this way? They must be conditioned and trained to become so depraved. This continues to be so troubling to me.